chapter one

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Third person.
A girl named red was getting ready for her concert on her 10 minute songs in her trailer.
She was wearing a varsity red jacket with a crop top underneath and some white ripped jeans. Someone knocks on her door
"Ms. Hearts, the concert starts in five!" They yell.
"I'm on my way!" She shouts back.
She gets up and heads out. She made sure the mic was good before going up. Everyone was cheering already.

Red sings a couple of songs before some girl looks dizzy. Red drops the mic and bent down to see if she was okay.
"Hey are you okay." Red says hopping down the stage. Security made sure no one was crowding them.
Red grabs her water bottle before handing it to her.
"Thank you so much!" The girl says.
"It's okay what's your name?" Red asks.
"Chloe, Chloe charming" she says.
"Oh well that's a pretty name and beautiful eyes" red says before getting back onto the stage. Chloe blushed and was still shocked at what just happened. Red continues to sing like nothing happened. After an hour red stops.
"Okay guys, one last song but this is with one of the og vks!" Red says as Mal comes out. Everyone shouts and cheers
"Okay Mal what song should we sing now?!" Red asks.
"How about boyfriend" Mal suggests
Red nods.
Mal starts to sing the first couple of lyrics and red sings too.
"I could be a better boyfriend then him, I could do all the shit that he never did, up all night I won't fight, I could be such a gentleman, plus all my clothes would fit" red sings the last lyric.
"Thank you all for coming!" Red says.
Everyone cheers before red leaves.
Red enters her trailer with some of her friends
(Ruby, Kylie,bella and Ella)

Red's POv
"So who was that girl you helped? Oh and gave her your water bottle that you drunk out of!" Kylie smirks.
"Just a fan I helped before she passed out." I say as i take a sip of my water.
"Yea right, okay then what's her name?"
"Um Chloe charming" I say taking another sip of my water.
"EEK THE CHLOE CHARMING!" Everyone shouts making me choke.
"Yes what about her"
"Shes so pretty!"
"Okay so? She's a fan of mine no big deal" I say.
"Yea yea anyways, was she nice?"
"Shit I have to go to moms so we can go to the red carpet!I'ma take a shower. You guys need to get out" I add.
I grab my clothes and went to the shower.
I took a shower. I got out and forgot my shirt in the other room. I just put on a bra and some pajama pants so I could go home and change into my dress.
I went to the other room and grabbed my shirt. I turn around to see the same girl.
"Oh my go- sorry" she says turning around.
I just laugh and put my shirt on.
"Your fine, but why are you in here?" I ask as I dry my hair
"Um I have no idea, I needed to get away from the crowd because I felt like passing out again and I just came in here" she explains.
"Oh okay, well I heard you were a painter" I say. She turns around.
"Who told you that?"
"My friends, why is it a lie?" I ask
"No, I just didn't want anyone to know really"
She says.
"Oh that's so cool I always love to sketch I just haven't painted in a while, well I would love to get to know you better I say
"Um Im also a photographer and videographer. Oh um I should go" she says. I just nod. She leaves.
I get my stuff before I head to my car. Everyone was still cheering while I walked to my car.
"Hi can I get your autograph!" People shout.
I just smile and sign. They all cheer and I leave.
I got home and quickly changed into a red silk dress and some red heels. I then drove to my mom's and picked her up.
"Hey sweetie" mom says.
"Hey mom you ready? You look nice!" I say.
"Aw thank you! How was your concert?" She asks as I start to drive.
"Good" I say.

After a bit of talking we get there.
We walk in and I started to take mini interviews.
"Time watch or cookbook" one person asks.
"Cookbook all the way!" I say
They laughs and continued to ask this or that questions. Once they were done I moved onto a different interview. I saw some of the celebrities I knew.
I talk with them a bit after I took everyones photos.
Once they were done a videographer with a mask flims me a quick video and shows me it.
"Oh my God I love that, you are absolutely talented!" I say excitedly.
"You have to send me that through TikTok or Instagram!" I add.
"Oh of course!"

We stayed for a bit before we leave. I was absolutely exhausted from today. I dropped my mom off before going home. I walk in and take my heels off. I change into some red plaid pajama pants with nothing but a black laced bra. I flopped onto my bed and got comfortable.
I soon fell asleep thinking about Chloe for some reason.

(Okay I had a new story idea. Well 2 anyways opinions, if you don't like then I'll delete this, and of course I'll continue adding chapters to my other books)

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⏰ Last updated: 7 hours ago ⏰

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