Chapter 103 - The Intentions of the Cheng Family

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Zhao Jinrui looked at the Empress, already having an idea of the Cheng family's intentions. They wanted to return to court and secure a path for the Crown Prince, now that the Empress had given birth to him. However, Zhao Jinrui was still a young emperor and had no intention of letting everything go according to their plans.

If civil officials could be replaced, why not military ones as well? Some elders had grown arrogant and forgotten their place. Zhao Jinrui didn't mind showing them whose empire this truly was.

"No need to say more, Empress. Since General Cheng is unwell and no longer capable of leading the Da Yue army, let him return. If he's truly ill, he can retire with honor. I am not an unreasonable ruler." Zhao Jinrui interrupted the Empress, making his stance clear. General Cheng could return, but only to retire. Otherwise, he would be expected to continue guarding the frontier—failure to comply would mean death.

The Empress was shocked by his response. "Your Majesty..." she called out in disbelief. Her family had served Da Yue for years, and she hadn't expected such ruthlessness from the Emperor.

"Think carefully, Empress. If the Cheng family chooses to retire, I will ensure General Cheng spends his remaining years in comfort." Zhao Jinrui paused, then smiled coldly. "There are many capable military men in the court who could easily replace General Cheng."

The Empress understood. The Emperor was giving her family a choice, and he had already seen through their ambitions. Still, she wanted to try one last time to bargain for her family. "Your Majesty, my father is old, and I fear for his well-being if he remains on the battlefield. Perhaps my older brother could take his place? He was trained by my father and is certainly no less capable than anyone else."

Hearing this, Zhao Jinrui stared at her seriously, as if she were mocking his intelligence. "Do you really think so, Empress?"

"I've made myself clear. There are many in Da Yue capable of leading the army, and the Cheng family isn't indispensable. Do you need me to spell it out further?" Zhao Jinrui set down his tea. "Or do you think Da Yue would fall apart without the Cheng family? Or worse, that because of the Crown Prince, the Cheng family has ulterior motives?"

At these words, the Empress immediately knelt, terrified. "Your Majesty, please forgive me. The Cheng family harbors no such intentions. I, as a woman of the harem, would never dare to meddle in matters of the state. Da Yue has flourished for thousands of years, producing countless talents. My family was only entrusted by the late Emperor to guard the border."

Cold sweat broke out on her back as she realized her mistake. She had acted rashly, forgetting the cautiousness that had served her well in the past. Her recent confidence, stemming from having birthed both a son and daughter—her son now the Crown Prince—had led her astray, allowing the Emperor to see through her.

"The Empress should remember who rules this empire." Zhao Jinrui's voice was stern. "Since you miss your father so much, I will allow General Cheng to retire with honor. As for your brother, since he's so capable, let him prove his loyalty by quelling the rebellion in the Baiyi tribe."

With that, Zhao Jinrui stood up. "Empress, don't forget Prince Duan's Rebellion. I don't want the next royal head to roll to be my own child's."

Without waiting for a response, Zhao Jinrui strode out of Kunning Palace, leaving the Empress in a daze. It took her a long while before she could finally cry out, "Your Majesty, I never intended this! Your Majesty, I was wrong!"

This drama did not escape the attention of the palace spies, and the Empress's fall from grace was a source of delight for many.

Meanwhile, in Lan Yue Pavilion, Bai Jingxian had a peaceful night's rest, even though the Emperor did not return. Upon waking, she was informed of the previous night's events. She chuckled, "As expected, never try to guess the heart of an emperor—it'll cost you your head."

Wang Momo, standing by her side, nodded approvingly. At least her mistress wasn't foolish enough to get involved in such matters.

However, Liang Fei arrived again, much to Bai Jingxian's exasperation. Couldn't this woman come less frequently? The Emperor already suspected her of conspiring with the harem's power players, but she had no such capabilities!


"Greetings, Liang Fei," Bai Jingxian said with forced politeness.

Seeing her expression, Liang Fei laughed. "What's the matter? Am I causing you trouble by visiting?"

Bai Jingxian inwardly rolled her eyes. Of course, she knew this was intentional. "Haha, don't worry. I have no intention of conspiring with you. My ambitions aren't that big."

Could Bai Jingxian believe her? She wasn't sure.

"Then, why has Your Highness come today?" Bai Jingxian asked, feeling like she might as well give up.

"I came to see the three princes. Though I was once pregnant, the child didn't make it, so I don't know how to raise one. I thought I'd come to learn from you." Liang Fei smiled sweetly, playing the role of a sincere learner. How could Bai Jingxian refuse?

Left with no choice, Bai Jingxian sighed. "Momo, bring the princes out."

"Yes, Your Highness."

As the princes were nearing their first birthday, Bai Jingxian had been planning their birthday ceremony. However, with Liang Fei's presence, many of her preparations had to be postponed.

To make matters worse, Li Changzai entered, heavily pregnant.

Bai Jingxian immediately turned to Liang Fei, giving her a look as if to say, "Did you bring this upon me?"

Feeling a little guilty, Liang Fei quickly denied it. "It wasn't me. I didn't tell her to come."

"Let Li Changzai in," Bai Jingxian ordered.

Soon, Li Changzai arrived, supported by her servants. Looking around at the spacious Lan Yue Pavilion, envy filled her heart.

"Greetings to Liang Fei and He Fangyi," she said, bowing to both of them.

Liang Fei, ranked higher, spoke first. "You're with child, no need to bow. Rise."

Bai Jingxian also instructed her servants to prepare a seat.

Once seated, Bai Jingxian looked at her with confusion. "What brings you here, Li Changzai?"

If she remembered correctly, they had a rather antagonistic history. Surely Li Changzai wasn't here to make trouble?

But Bai Jingxian was overthinking it. Li Changzai had only come because she heard Liang Fei was here. She hoped to align herself with the powerful consort in order to climb higher in the hierarchy.

"I heard Liang Fei was here spending time with the princes, so I thought I'd come to see for myself," Li Changzai explained, making her intentions clear without saying too much.

Bai Jingxian glanced at Liang Fei, her eyes filled with mock betrayal. "You're causing me trouble again?"

Ignoring Bai Jingxian's silent accusation, Liang Fei laughed. "I just wanted to practice handling children since we're expecting a new addition to the palace. Besides, not everyone is as fortunate as you, Bai Jingxian, to have three princes all at once."

Her flattery was so unlike Liang Fei's usual demeanor that Bai Jingxian didn't know whether to believe her.

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