So I wanted to explain myself!!
I'm 14 and I love to write, help people, and take artsy photos! I've created some poems and stuff that people have loved and inspired.But may I remind you I'm only 14! I may come up with a great poem one day and have the worst poem the next, but I'm only human!
I create my poems on pure inspiration I feel in my heart! And inspirational can hit a person for hours straight or days apart! So if you read my poems please be a little easy on me 😂
- Kayla ❤️
Inspirational quotes and advice
EspiritualQuotes will be created by me and advice will be my me as well! (And if I use others quotes I'll make sure to give them complete credit) I love to help people! And I understand its hard to go through things by yourself! I mean going through things...