Chapter 12: Beneath the Stars

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It was supposed to be just another post-race getaway. Lando, Oscar, and a few of the other drivers had decided to escape the chaos of the F1 circuit for a weekend, renting a quiet villa on the outskirts of a small town. The plan was simple: enjoy the calm before heading off to the next race.

As the night deepened, everyone slowly drifted inside, tired from the long day. Everyone except Lando and Oscar. They stayed outside, sitting on the wooden deck beneath the starlit sky. The cool breeze carried the scent of the ocean, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, creating a peaceful contrast to the noise of the track.

Lando was unusually quiet, leaning back on his hands as he stared up at the stars. Oscar sat next to him, close enough that their shoulders occasionally brushed, but neither said much. The silence was comfortable, but thick with something unsaid.

Oscar glanced over at Lando, noticing how his usual energy seemed to have faded into something more subdued. "You okay?" he asked, his voice soft, as though he didn’t want to break the calm.

Lando took a deep breath, his eyes still focused on the stars. "Yeah. Just… thinking."

Oscar shifted slightly, leaning back as well. "About what?"

Lando shrugged, his fingers digging into the wood beneath him. "Life. Racing. Us."

The last word hung in the air, heavier than anything else. Us.

Oscar’s heart skipped a beat, but he didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he let the silence stretch between them, waiting for Lando to say more. He knew Lando—knew that pushing him wouldn’t get him to open up. Lando had to come to him on his own.

After a moment, Lando sighed, finally looking over at Oscar. "You ever wonder what it would be like if things were different?"

Oscar frowned slightly. "Different how?"

Lando hesitated, biting his lip before speaking. "Like… if we didn’t have to hide. If we didn’t have to pretend this was just… friendship."

Oscar’s chest tightened. They had danced around this topic for months, maybe even years. The stolen glances, the subtle touches, the way their conversations would sometimes drift into dangerous territory before one of them pulled back. But hearing Lando say it out loud made it all feel so much more real.

"I’ve thought about it," Oscar admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "A lot, actually."

Lando’s eyes widened slightly, and Oscar saw the vulnerability there—the uncertainty that Lando usually hid behind jokes and smiles. For the first time, Lando wasn’t the confident, outgoing driver everyone knew. He was just Lando, unsure and a little scared.

Oscar took a deep breath, reaching out to gently place his hand on Lando’s. "We don’t have to keep pretending, you know."

Lando’s gaze dropped to their hands, his fingers twitching beneath Oscar’s before he finally intertwined them. "But what if it changes everything?" he asked, his voice barely holding together. "What if it ruins us?"

Oscar squeezed his hand, his touch steady and reassuring. "Or what if it makes us better?"

Lando looked up at him, their faces inches apart now. The air between them was thick with tension, but not the kind that came from racing or competition. This was something deeper, something that had been building for far too long.

Oscar leaned in, his heart racing as he closed the distance between them. He could feel Lando’s breath on his lips, warm and shaky, before he finally pressed his mouth against Lando’s. It was soft at first, hesitant, as though both of them were testing the waters. But then Lando kissed back, his hand tightening around Oscar’s as the kiss deepened.

It was like the world around them melted away. There was no track, no races, no expectations. Just the two of them, beneath the stars, finally giving in to the feelings they had both been trying to hide.

When they finally pulled apart, Lando rested his forehead against Oscar’s, their breaths mingling in the cool night air. "That was…"

"About time," Oscar finished with a small smile.

Lando laughed softly, his tension easing as he squeezed Oscar’s hand again. "Yeah. About time."

They stayed like that for a while longer, holding onto each other as the stars twinkled above them. In that quiet moment, everything felt right. For the first time in a long time, Lando wasn’t worried about what would happen next. He wasn’t thinking about the track or the team or what people would say. He was just happy—happy to be here with Oscar, happy to finally be honest with himself.

As the night stretched on, they eventually lay down on the deck, their hands still intertwined as they looked up at the sky. And for the first time, Lando let himself believe that maybe, just maybe, things didn’t have to change. Because as long as he had Oscar, everything would be okay.

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