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3rd person pov:

"3.. 2.. 1.. and shoot!" 

A green dot began to flash in the camera, jimmy had started to record and everybody was there. They were shooting a baking video all together.

"Hey guys, so today we're gonna be baking! We got Karl, Nolan, mac, and chandler." Jimmy said

Jimmy pulled out a bowl meant for ingredients. "Karl why don't you get the eggs while I talk about feastables!" While jimmy was ranting, Karl couldn't help but feel Nolan's eyes on him throughout the video, what made it worser is Karl was considering the fact he might have feelings for Nolan.

Time pass

"Empty bottle, let's play spin the bottle" mac said. After a few debates the group agreed execpt for jimmy. "Alright weirdos." Jimmy walks off. They all collectively gather around the bottle Karl was sweating a lot, when Nolan put his fingers on Karl's "hey—" Nolan was about to say somthing before being cut off, "alright chandlier will go first!" It spins around at sharp speeds before landing on Mac they give a quick peck and laugh about it (!DISCLAIMER! I don't ship mac and chandlier I added that part just cause.) "okay Karl's turn" Karl spins and it lands on Nolan, Karl sweats a bit and says "I think I'll pass" Mac chuckles a bit, okay but you owe Nolan a kiss later. Mac turns over towards Nolan smirks and winks Nolan smiles. Karl being the being that he is thought they were flirting as he gulped down stress the rest of the game went by fast and there were a few chuckles, but afterwards Nolan pulled mac in another room. "What do I do.." Nolan asks "huh?" Mac says "you know I told you I like Karl I know he could feel my eyes on him in that other video, "well go claim your kiss" Nolan things for a momment "alright then". As Nolan walks over to Karl's door he gently knocks on it, "come in" Karl's voice says "oh hi!" Karl says blushing a bit. "Hey you still owe me that kiss." Nolan winks, Karl sets down his diary "right.." Karl pecked Nolan on the lips and covered his face "SORRY!" Karl says "it's fine" Nolan smiles, "whats this?" Nolan lifts up Karl's diary. "Hey don't touch that!" Karl says, Nolan chuckles "you can even reach" Nolan proceeds to read the pages. 

Dear diary- Karl 9/28/24

I think I have a crush on Nolan. 

I could feel his eyes on me.

Bahh someone help me!

Karl's blushes and covers his face with a pillow. "Aw someone's got a crush on me" Nolan says "shut up!" Karl says. Nolan lifts up the pillow on Karl and lifts Karl up and pulls him into a deep passionate kiss they sit like that for a few 

If this reaches the right audience I'll make another chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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