I'm not weird! I'm limited edition! (Gaara x Reader)

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Heyo! ! I'm writing yet another Gaara oneshot. What can I say he's one of my faves.

I do not own naruto or you.


Never in his years of living had Gaara encountered anyone as weird as his own best friend. The girl literally passed tests and missions just by her gut feeling. She also had extremely weird habits such as bashing her head against the wall when something doesn't go her way or trying to act like an old woman just to prank people.He wondered how they became best friends anyway. All he knew was that he adored her drive to never give up, oh and that heart warming smile. There's also many reasons as to why he has also fallen in love with her. Kankuro had spoke to him about his feelings so Gaara now understood what he felt for his strange friend.(Y/n) was also by far the most oblivious person he knows. Though she was weird she did have a few admirers. The poor males who tried to gain her attention romantic wise were cut down short by her replies. Gaara had mentally face palmed at her naivety. Hell, the girl agreed to a date but brought along six other friends claiming that she thought it was a friend date.When he had meetings to attend she would tag along. Though Gaara was a bit reluctant because the last few times he took her she would give really strange suggestions for the village's prosperity. One time she said that they should dig a deep hole, fill it with water so Sunagakure will have its own little beach and for the fun of it add a few sharks to make it seem like the real deal. Of course everyone face palmed.One day Gaara had decided to tell (y/n) of his feelings, hopefully he wouldn't have to be so vague with his confession.

With (y/n)...

Gaara pulled the (h/c) haired girl behind him as he made his way back to his office. (Y/n) went along smiling merrily at the red headed male. "Ne, Gaara what did ya wanna talk about?" she asked curiously. Said male glanced at her and smiled lightly. "You'll see." was all he said as he pulled her into the confines of his office. (Y/n)'s face became confused as Gaara and her took a seat on the couch placed in the corner of the office. He took her hand in his, holding it gently making (y/n) blush at his actions. "Look (y/n) I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and no not in a friend way, not in a brotherly way, I mean in a romantic way." Gaara gushed out. (Y/n) blinked once, then twice before smiling widely at him.
"I love you too Gaara." she murmured just loud enough for him to hear. Gaara looked taken aback for a second before letting a small smile grace his features. He pulled her close, leaning in to kiss her lightly on her lips. (Y/n) squeaked quietly when she felt Gaara moved his lips against hers. Pulling away he pushed back a lock of (h/c) hair, away from her face."Your so weird (y/n)..." he chuckled.
"Hey I'm not weird! I'm limited edition!"

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