‎‧₊˚✧ 24. Annika ✧˚₊‧

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As I stepped into the bookstore, the familiar scent of aged paper and fresh ink enveloped me like a warm hug. The soft glow of the overhead lights highlighted rows upon rows of books.
I wandered down the aisles, running my fingers along the spines, feeling the texture of the covers beneath my fingertips. My heart raced as I spotted a slim volume with a beautiful, illustrated cover. It was a collection of poetry. I gently pulled it off the shelf and cradled it against my chest.
Further down, I found a cosy corner with a chair nestled between two shelves. It was my favourite spot, perfect for losing myself in a new world. I settled into the chair, flipping through the pages of the poetry book.
After a few moments, I reluctantly set the poetry book aside, knowing I had more time to find more books. I continued exploring and soon came across a fantasy novel with a striking title. The cover promised adventure and intrigue, and I couldn't resist grabbing it, adding it to my growing pile.
Next, I noticed a bright yellow spine that stood out amongst the darker colours. It was a memoir by a woman whose travels had taken her across the globe. The back cover spoke of courage and self-discovery-something I could definitely relate to. Without a second thought, it joined the stack in my arms.

Some minutes later, I heard how Lukas pushed open the heavy glass door of the bookstore, the familiar chime of the bell above echoing softly. He spotted me in my usual spot, nestled in a corner with a stack of books beside her. He walked over, grinning as he took in the scene.

"Hey, bookworm," he teased, leaning against the shelf.
I look up, my face lighting up as i see him. "Lukas! You're here!" I mark my page and set the book down.
"Did you find anything good?" he asked, glancing at the small mountain of books next to me.
"Just a few," I reply, in a playful tone. "I may have gone a little overboard."
He laughed, reaching down to sift through the titles. "No such thing when it comes to books." He paused, picking up a beautifully illustrated edition of a classic. "This one looks amazing."
"Right? I can't wait to read it," I said, the enthusiasm in my tone infectious.
Lukas straightened up, looking around the cosy store.

We make their way to the checkout, holding my books as if they were treasures. Lukas watched me. As he paid, he noticed the cashier eyeing them, a knowing smile creeping onto her face.

"Looks like someone's got a lucky girl," she said, ringing up the books.
Lukas glanced at me, my cheeks flushing slightly. "Yeah, I guess I do," he replied, handing over the cash.
Once we are outside, the cool air wraps around us, and I speak again. "Thank you! I can't wait to dive into these."
"You can do that later, but now we have to go, I prepared something for us." He looks at me, grabbing the books from my hand and putting them in the back of his motorcycle, handing me his helmet again.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over everything as I hopped onto the back of Lukas's bike. I wrapped my arms around his waist, the familiar warmth of his presence making me smile. With a gentle push, we were off, gliding down the quiet streets. The wind whipped through my hair, and I leaned into him, feeling completely free.

"Hold on tight!" he called over his shoulder, his laughter infectious. I tightened my grip and felt a thrill course through me as he picked up speed.

As we rode, the city faded away, replaced by sprawling fields and the faint sound of rustling leaves. I could see the meadow ahead, a vibrant patch of green dotted with wildflowers swaying gently in the breeze. My heart raced with anticipation; I loved this spot. It felt like our secret escape.
When we finally arrived, Lukas skidded to a stop, and I hopped off, instantly taking in the beauty around us. The meadow was alive with color-pinks, yellows, and blues-and the sweet scent of flowers filled the atmosphere around us.

As we rolled into the meadow, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden light across the field. Lukas parked the bike, and I got off, my heart racing with excitement. He removed his helmet, shaking out his hair, and I followed suit, the cool breeze lifting the strands from my face.

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