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Oh gosh, my first story! I'm so nervous! Please remember that this is my first attempt at writing a fic and that I am only 12, so it won't be all that amazing. But please read on and comment on how I can improve, what you like, don't like, ect. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The one known as StrongestOfMinds does not own what is known as TMNT. The one known as StrongestofMinds does the thing known as dreaming and wishing to own the thing known as TMNT. The one known as StrongestofMinds will not restate this, and does the thing known as warning that the ones reading this story to better do the thing known as pay attention. (Too much? Eh I'm not going to rewrite it.)

Thunderclouds covered the menacing sky like a blanket. Lightning flashed in even the usually most peaceful of places, blinding anyone who dared took a glance at it. This type of weather hadn't been seen for years, and no one could be prepared for it. One minute, kids were playing tag and adults were sipping coffee, working on their laptops in the setting sun, the next rain started pouring down, pricking everyone's skin like needles, and everyone started running to their houses for cover. The citizens only got a one second warning for the rain that came: the deafening thunder that boomed all across New York.

Now, all the citizens were huddled inside their houses, it not being safe to venture outside. Young children were either crying or asking their parents what was wrong, grownups comforting their children, not sure what to do. The power was out, so how were they going to cook dinner for their child, how were they going to shower, where were they going to get water? How long would this storm last?

What was the weirdest part was those on the highest floors of the tallest buildings could see this frightful storm only surrounded their beloved city. But, there was no way to spread the word, they were trapped in their rooms and houses. Only two things was clear, stay indoors, this was bad. If only the citizens knew, that this terrible weather was just the start of a horrifying experience. And if no one found out soon and did anything about it, this storm would be luxury to them compared to what was to come.

Not too far off, there was an abandoned warehouse. No one had the courage to venture inside of it, it was ancient, and no one knew if anything lurked in there. Those bored, curious, or just plain crazy enough to go inside never came back out. Except for one. And he was traumatized forever, he had gone insane. Always screaming around the city, "Help! There are two giant, evil bugs! We must leave for our own safety!" Those three sentences, every single time. No one believed him, but no one wanted to turn out missing, or even worst, as crazy as he had.

So years passed, and no one went inside. Maybe if they had the guts, they would see the evil things lurking in there. Would see the difference from over the years. How all along, the guy had been telling the truth. How there was now only one bug, instead of two.

It was more deadly, dangerous in ways no one could understand. The only reason that one human escaped was because it was still young. But now, it was an adult, and at maximum strength. It had been saving up its energy, getting stronger each day, plotting for revenge. While it gained strength, some strange creatures would guard it. The bug didn't pay much attention to it, all that mattered was that the creature would follow its commands, and make sure it would stay hidden until it was time. All it knew was that the creature was not human, he would know, he had feasted on a few.

But now, it was time. Time for the revenge it had been planning for, all these months. After those green creatures had destroyed his only companion he grew up with him in the warehouse. The female, that he planned to make more of his kind with, had been destroyed while he was lurking in the shadows. He was not at his strength, he was tired, having just killed another annoying yet, stronger than most human. He was getting his rest after destroying it, and woke up to see his companion dead, and four green creatures running out.

It just needed a few more hours. Then, the venom would be most deadly, he himself would be the strongest. That's all he would have to wait, a few more hours. This storm, it would be the perfect trap. The guards had told him that these green creatures roamed around a lot, looking for out-of-the-ordinary cases. This storm, they would surely investigate it. And he would be smarter than this female companion, he wouldn't be killed so easily.

A few more hours. That's all he needed. How he could not wait for his plan to take place.

Those creatures better watch their backs. He was coming for them. Actually, it would be more like they were coming for him. They were like flies coming into a spider's web.

And they would not make it out alive.

So, what to you guys think? Yay, or nay? Future chapters will be longer, I promise! See ya! ;)


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