The Dardens

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Hey guys! This is my new horror story. I want to show you a different side of me and I really hope you like it! Okay, so read it and tell me what you think :D


«Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. »

Jean Rostand, Thoughts of a Biologist (1939)

My mother always told me no man should die without leaving his mark in the world. Some build great monuments, others write great books and several even become great presidents. But with a great power, comes a great responsibility.

People know you for what you’ve done. If you’re good at it, they’ll like you. If you’re not up to the job then everyone will hate you. Sometimes, they even hate you because your work isn’t how they want it. Nevertheless the moment when people hate you the most is when you have the greatest power in the world: the power to take lives away.

However, not everybody can be brave enough to murder and make others suffer. There are always the ones who quit before doing it, perhaps because they’re too scared of being caught by the police and spend the rest of their lives in prison, or maybe they’re just too cowards to kill someone.

Either way, as I told you before with a great power comes a great responsibility.

That’s why I grew up learning how to cover up my murders and to act like a completely normal person. I learnt how to talk with the other kids pretending I liked Barney and Baby Bop. I pretended to play with Barbie’s when I just wanted to rip off their heads and most important, I learnt how to act like a perfect girl.

No one could ever suspect that I, Kalli Darden, had killed the next door kid or had tortured every single child in my class during their sleep. The perfect crime, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, little murders weren’t enough. I wanted more. I wanted to conquer a great masterpiece which would be recognized by the entire world. Everybody would know what I did and I would be remembered for all eternity. Of course I didn’t except to do this all by myself, I had the help of the most powerful people in the world and together we would start a kingdom of fear and despair. We would be known by our greatest masterpiece a world massacre.

We are the murderers, we brought the fright and we came to stay. We are The Dardens.

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