Night Skandar♥

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-Omg look how little he was when he did that - I said talking to myself...

While I was randomly changing the channels on the t.v I was waiting for Skandar, who told me he stopped at Burger King for something to have dinner, we are staying at Skandar's this weekend by "we" I mean Elizabeth, Robbie and I , we're Skandar school mates and we all study we all study Arabic and Middle Eastern History. 

Back on the tv thing I found "Bridget Jones' Diary" I totally love that movie so bad it was about to end. Elizabeth and Robbie went out for something I coundn't hear I was sobbing at Mark Darcy's kiss. When it finished I was really hungry so I called Skandar and he told me he was on the way.

Then Zelfa came to talk with me, she was really sweet to me. I dont know how we ended watching some home videos of Soumaya and Skandar, they were really cute. A piece of "Ferrari" came out it was Skandar's part. I didn't know  he played Enzo Ferrari when he was like 10 so I got really exited when I saw him that little and chubby, I was laughing so hard in that scene when he's compiting with a kid in a hallway yelling "Faster, Faster, Faster"made my heart bump.

When Skandar arrived Zelfa and me put everything away and I sat at the couch like nothing happened.

-Hey Kari, sorry for being late I was talking with some friends and I totally forgot about you and the guys- Skandar said  putting the BK bags on the table.

- Skandar Keynes, such a nice boy- I said getting up from the couch.

-Sorry, I came as faster as I could, where are Robbie and Liz?- He asked me handing me some fries.

-They went out but they'll be back soon, faster as you could?- I asked with a quirky face.

-Yeah, that's what I said- He ensures with a weird look.

-Faster faster faster...faster- I said laughing and eating my fries...

- Oh shut up,  you saw that?-  He asked laughing

-Yep and you were reaaally cute, I expect to see you in another movie, in Narnia for preference.- I explained smiling.

He smiled and then seemed to be annoyed for my comment, then he looked at me and tried to say something but he couldn't. Are you ok? - I asked worried.

-Its...I wasn't...forget it it's nothing- He said and left the table.

I stayed a little more in the table thinking in what did I do wrong. Since I couldn't notice anything wrong I decided to go ad ask him directly. He was outside the house looking at the night sky very serious, I walked after him and tapping his shoulder I smiled to him. 

-Im sorry- I said sitting on the stairs.

-Why are you apologizing?- He asked me looking at me very confused.

-I don't know, I feel like I did something wrong and... - I said not finishing the sentence.

- Is not your fault, you did not do anything wrong, don't worry- He said sitting next to me.

- And why are you so blue?- I asked looking at him.

-I am not blue, I'm just...thinking in something serious- He said looking down.

-Maybe I can help you- I proposed sitting closer to him.

He looked at me deeply with his beautiful brown eyes and I smiled to him. He sighed and leaned back in my legs.

-Im confused only, when you mentioned Narnia...- He said inconclusively. -- I did not arrive late  because of what I said, actually I was on an interview with some producers for the shooting of the last Narnia movie -  He said inconclusively again.

-The last battle, right?- I asked. ---Yeah, and I dont know what should I decide...- He said closing his eyes.

-That's awesome, it'd be great - I said super excited.

- No is not awesome, its complicated- He said angry.

-Uhm sorry so, you dont want to do that movie, do you?- I asked

-It ISNT that I dont want to shoot it, its just... that I like my life right now, and I dont want to change it beside is our last year. I dont want to leave you and the guys but I dont either to disappoint someone with my decisions- He explained ans sighed again.

-Dont push yourself- I said while I place my hand in his hair and started to stoke it. -- I really think you should do it, but its you decision and Im completly sure you're not gonna fail-

He looked at me impressed --You really think that?-- He asked looking at me. 

-Yeah, you dont have to be afraid of thinking that you will let us, because we will always be here for you even if you are not physically here we're always thinking on you. You're important for us and anything you choose I'll support you.- I said

He smiled and looked at the sky --So you think I should accept?.-

Playing with his har I explained -- I told you that I'll support you in anything you choose, but I think you shouldn't despise this new  adventure, its a chance to prove your value and how amazing you are. You know, No fear! No retreat!.  Its like... me if  I had not decided to come to study here I wouldnt have met you, it's a risk that I took but it worth it - 

-I think so, Im just nervous...but I think Im accepting Kari, thanks- He said very relaxed and looking at me. 

-Its time to be a hero,  to prove your value in front of Aslan again- I said getting closer to his face.

We stare at each other for a long time, his eyes were very sweet and pure then he stroked my hair and I smiled to him playing with his hair again.

-That last sentence was really weird, you know- He said while he had my hair between his fingers.

-I know,  at that time I was out of inspiration.- I laughed. 

Liz came and told me that she had to take care of her little brothers and asked me to help her, we would be back once they fall asleep. I accepted.

- See you later Kari- Skandar said throwing a piece of leaf to me. I waved and smile at him.

-Hey...- He yelled at me. I looked at him. -- Thanks for everything, I love you- Skandar said smiling.

- Night Skandar- I said with a weird look and incredulous. I asked him curious -- In a friend way right?

-In a Suspian way- Skandar smiled  

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