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In just one click, the world is near,

But life outside seems to disappear.

We scroll and swipe through endless feeds,

Ignoring what the real world needs.

Our minds are lost in glowing screens,

While time slips by in endless streams.

We chase the trends, but miss the skies,

As moments pass before our eyes.

A digital world pulls us inside,

Where hopes and dreams get pushed aside.

We lose ourselves in pixel light,

And trade the day for endless night.

But step outside, there's so much more,

A vibrant world with open door.

The sun, the stars, the gentle breeze,

Awaits beyond the tech we seize.

Set limits now, reclaim your day,

Let nature's voice show you the way.

With every step, a brighter view,

Awaits beyond the screen's old hue.

Teens and adults, put down the phone,

And see how much your mind has grown.

The world is full of endless light,

Your future's waiting, clear and bright.

In just one click, the lure is strong,

But life is where we all belong.

Let go of screens, embrace the real,

And watch your future's path reveal.

So step outside, don't hesitate,

The world is yours, it's not too late.

Beyond the clicks, there's life to find,

A brighter future, heart and mind. 

JUST ONE CLICKWhere stories live. Discover now