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  I gasped. My eyes slowly opened to the blur of a swinging bulb. My heart beating fast, seemingly in sync with the flickering of the bulb. My night clothes soaked with sweat, and a warm liquid was pooling between my legs. I quickly panicked, assuming I was bleeding, but the liquid was yellow. I screamed for an unknown reason. Five minutes later and still no communication. No knocks, no shouts in reply. I am starting to get worried.
       I looked around the room and saw that it was bare. A wooden dresser across from the foot of the mattress I had awoken in, which was thrown onto the ply wood floors. Nothing to the left and right, but white walls. Behind me; a door with several holes. I got up, and looked in the drawers, in an attempt to change my soiled clothes. The room smelled of urine and death. The bottom three drawers were void of content. As I slid out the fourth and final drawer, at the highest level, there was a note, a gun, and a severed finger with a wedding ring. I quickly gagged, taking the note, the small handgun, and slipping the ring off the finger.
  Beware of the creatures that lay in the abyss of your mind.
                                    -Behind You
    I stopped. Taking a moment to notice the signature. I instinctively grabbed the gun, which I had set next to the glistening ring on the dresser, just moments ago. I quickly set the note down on top of the dresser. I hastily turned completely around, and saw a little girl. I hadn't heard the door open, and it was still closed.
     Only the back of her was visible, and deducing from her height she was at most eight years old. Her auburn hair fashioned into a pony tail, her body cloaked in a black dress with a sort of black belt wrapped around, and black formal shoes. She fell to her knees and her head sank as the swinging bulb above flickered. I felt a chill rise in my spine, and my heart was back in sync with the bulb. A heard muffled sobbing. "Why? Why did they have to kill mom." I quickly felt a pang of guilt for taking up arms against the little girl. I slid the hand gun into the elastic of my soiled sweat pant's waistband. The cold metal chilling my hip.

     "Are you okay?" I asked in my most caring voice. Her head quickly shot up, slowly turned, and she looked at me. Her face in anguish and tears, paler than a ghost, that contorted to an unnatural grin. She quickly stood up and walked slowly towards me. Her shoes rapped an ominous, Tap Tap Tap.
       Soon we were face to face,  mouth still grinning,  she was much shorter than I. Although she was almost a decade younger, she seemed superior. "What's so funny?" I asked frustratedly, with sprinkles of cowardice. She looked me in the eyes continually, making me uneasy. As soon as I instinctively moved my hand towards my hip, she quickly eyeballed the gun, and instantly snatched it. "Hey! Give that back!" I screamed as she ran back to the door. I started after her but she pointed the gun at my heart, and without so much as a lip quiver yelled, "Stop!"

     I quickly halted, two strides away from her, two away from the dresser. Her voice was without falter, she would shoot me, and dance in my blood with no remorse. The bed was under my feet and I felt unbalanced. I quickly raised my hands, "O-Okay, please, please put that down! You're gonna hurt someone." She giggled. "Seven... Seven bullets." I felt my face show an expression of confusion, as a bead of sweat seemed to drip from my brow in slow motion. Her face quickly went into a blank state. Her hand quickly turned to the point where the gun was pointing at her face, turning so quickly that her wrist snapped, protruding bone. I felt a piece of flesh stick to my cheek. She looked me in the eye, slowly cocked back the hammer, smiled that unnatural smile, and squeezed the trigger.
    Before I could react, I heard a loud bang. Her face slammed into the wall where blood and brain matter splattered, her body quickly slumped, and started twitching. A small hole, right above her left eye lead to a gaping exit wound partially visible at my angle. I quickly felt myself flush, and my vision faded as I heard a rustle in the top drawer of the dresser. I felt myself fall back, body on bed and head slightly touching the floor. Everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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