Where it all Began

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Down here, in the Undercity, life isn't about making friends or setting out your future. In Zaun, the only thing that matters in your life is usually survival and how to get by. From the moment you can walk, you're probably sent out to provide for your family if you're lucky enough to still have one.

Me? I was a common case. No family, no friends and no-one to take care of me. I'm not even sure how everyone in my family managed to die but I always assumed it was something to do with the crime that goes on around every corner. That's ironic considering that the very thing I relied on to survive was crime itself.

At a young age, I was forced to turn to more unconventional ways of getting money in order to live. One example, and the main one I used, is drug dealing around the Undercity, distributing contraband to its citizens and those looking for a quick buzz. It was profitable and brought in enough money for me to buy food and rent out a place to sleep which was what I was looking for though it wasn't ideal.

It didn't take me long to get involved with the wrong people, quickly becoming a part of a large gang that ran out of the Undercity and specialised mainly in drugs. At this point in time I was only around nine or ten and yet seemed to grow the trust and love of the gang I was apart of, many treating me as if I was their son. Does that mean I was happy? No, definitely not. But I had a more secure home, was guaranteed protection and food and really couldn't complain. I delivered drugs, they took me in. It was a comprise I was willing to make.

Whatever mulling over I was doing was interrupted by a knock on my door. I hadn't even realised it but I had been recalling my past while sat on the edge of my bed and absentmindedly staring at the floor. Jolted back to reality, I glanced back up towards the door to see Silco standing in my room, his demeanour eerily calm as he always was.

I move on my bed slightly, listening to his slow and heavy footsteps as they slowly creeped closer. Eventually, he sat down next to me in the same silence before he eventually spoke and broke it.

"Are you up for another job?" he asked suddenly, my ears pricking at his question. I had been injured a couple weeks ago, my leg having been damaged after a large fall and I had told Silco that I'd needed time to heal. Now, he was posing a question to me that I wasn't sure I could answer. I sighed deeply, gripping my leg subconsciously as I spoke.

"I think I should be fine..." I said without confidence and uncertainty. I couldn't read his face, his expression cold and still as he looks me over with his eyes.

"Would it bring comfort if you were joined by a partner?" he asked curiously. I crinkled my face slightly in thought as this was never something that Silco had brought up before. I felt hesitant, as if it was Sevika I was paired with I might just coincidentally injure my leg again. I eventually responded while keeping my composure.

"Depends on who it is." I said in reply, intrigued on who Silco would pair me with. He simply stood up, slowly strolling back towards the door before he turned around and spoke.

"You'll see. Come to The Last Drop when you're ready." he commanded before eventually leaving. To say I was worried was an understatement but something inside me told me to trust Silco.

After having that interaction I was inspired to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I propelled myself up and sauntered towards my wardrobe, with a slight limp in my step, and opened it. Inside was just simply black clothes. Black t-shirt, black hoodie, black combat boots and black combat trousers. I first removed my old clothes and put on a pair of boxers, obviously, and then the rest of my outfit on afterwards.

On my bedside draw was a black bandana I usually wore more for comfort than anything else, it hiding my face whenever I needed it to was just another perk of wearing it. However, this bandana wasn't entirely black and was dotted with spots of blue and pink, having been customised by Silco's adoptive daughter, Jinx, after she claimed it was 'too plain.' I was reluctant but allowed her to do it as it wasn't a major issue. I tied it around my neck and left my room, hands buried into my pockets and hood drawn over my head as I made my way towards The Last Drop as instructed by Silco.

This city always had a strange vibe, something that was alluring and yet also intimidating. The Lanes in particular was a place that you had to be familiar with in order to be able to get around. Not only because of the people but because of the streets which were more like a maze than a place where people lived. I didn't get many strange looks. One reason I picked dark clothes was to slip under the radar which was never too hard for someone like me. Not very many people knew me so I was able to just slip around the streets of The Lanes until I reached The Last Drop.

The security gaurds on the door, much stronger than me and towering over my 5'8 self, looked down at me and opened the door, recognising me instantly. When the door opened, the sound of loud music and the sight of blinding lights that would only seer your retinas if you were sober hits my senses instantly. I moved inside, keeping my hands in the pockets of my hoodie as I navigated around the crowded nightclub filled with all kinds of different people that I didn't really want to pay attention to.

I eventually made it to the long and slightly curved staircase illuminated by neon lights underneath the steps. I slowly made my way up them, the slight limp in my step only slowing me down a little bit. It wasn't majorly noticeable but if you payed enough attention to my wall you'd definitely notice it.

Eventually, I made it to the top and stop in front of the double doors that would lead into Silco's office. I debated on knocking or just walking straight in and eventually brought my hand out of my hoodie and gently tapped my knuckles against the door.

"Come in." a deep voice, barley audible over all the music, awnsered for the other side and so I pushed open the door and stepped in.

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