~ Chapter 11 ~

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*TW - harassment*

Camden, London 1912.

Life continued yet again, and the rhythm of life at the bakery had settled into a steady routine. Florence continued working hard alongside Val and Betsy, keeping busy with customers and ensuring everything ran smoothly. Ollie had started coming by more often, dropping in whenever he wasn't busy with business. His visits were often brief—he'd chat for a bit, maybe grab something to eat, and then rush out as if always on the verge of being pulled away. Still, Florence was glad to see him when he came. It felt like a small piece of her past was still intact, even if it was just a sliver.

As Florence's eighteenth birthday approached, Val became increasingly excited about the idea of going out to celebrate. One quiet afternoon at the bakery, with only a few regulars filtering in and out, Val turned to Florence with a grin.

"Florence," Val began, leaning against the counter as she wiped her hands on her apron, "your birthday's coming up soon, isn't it?" Florence, kneading dough at the worktable, glanced up and nodded. "Yeah, next week. Just another day, really." Val rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on. Eighteen is special. You can't just let it pass like any other day." She glanced over at Betsy, who nodded enthusiastically. "We should do something fun! Let's go out, have a proper night—music, dancing, the works!"

Florence paused, unsure. She hadn't celebrated much of anything in the past few years, not since losing her parents. The idea of going out seemed foreign to her, but the thought of a night away from the heaviness of everyday life was tempting. "I don't know..." Florence trailed off. "I haven't really been out like that in ages. What if I don't like it?" Val gave her a playful nudge. "That's exactly why you need to go! You've been working non-stop, Flo, and we're going to make sure you have a good time. Besides, it'll be nice to do something for yourself for a change."

Florence smiled softly, feeling a warmth spread through her. Val had a way of pushing her out of her comfort zone, but always with the best intentions. She looked over at Betsy, who was already beaming at the idea. "I suppose one night couldn't hurt," Florence relented, a small smile tugging at her lips. "That's the spirit!" Val declared. "We'll get all dolled up, head to that new dance hall on Kentish Town Road. They say the music's lively, and who knows? You might even catch the eye of someone special." Betsy giggled. "It's going to be such fun, Flo! We'll make sure it's a night to remember." Florence laughed lightly at their excitement. The idea of dancing and music felt like a breath of fresh air in what had been a pretty dreary existence for her as of late. Maybe it would be good to let loose, to forget her troubles for a while, and just enjoy being eighteen.

As the conversation continued, the bell above the bakery door rang, and in walked Ollie. He strolled in casually, his dark coat hanging loosely over his shoulders, his hair slightly disheveled from the wind outside. His eyes swept the room before landing on Florence, and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Afternoon, ladies," Ollie greeted, walking up to the counter. "Anything fresh out of the oven?" "Always," Florence replied with a soft smile, wiping her hands on her apron before grabbing a freshly baked roll and handing it to him. "On the house for our best customer." "Best customer, am I?" Ollie chuckled, taking the roll from her and taking a bite. "That's nice to hear."

Val, not one to miss an opportunity, jumped in. "Hey, Ollie—did you know it's Florence's 18th birthday next week?" Ollie raised an eyebrow and looked at Florence with genuine surprise. "Eighteen, huh? Time flies... Seems like just yesterday you were a little thing trying to find snails to take home and start a zoo." "Feels that way," Florence said with a small laugh, though there was a hint of sadness behind her smile.

"Val and I were just talking about going out to celebrate," Betsy chimed in. "You should join us, Ollie!" Florence shot Betsy a glance, not sure if she wanted Ollie to come along. As much as she appreciated his company, his presence reminded her of the complicated ties he had. Still, Ollie smiled, though a bit hesitant. "I'd love to," Ollie said, looking at Florence. "If that's alright with you, Flo?" Florence hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded. "Yeah, that'd be nice. We'll make a night of it."

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