Oh my god!! Starco -the ship has sailed!!(one shot#1)

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Stars POV:i yawned to my messy bed head ....then touched it with my wand and it turned into a neat high pony tail :) no pig tails. PONYTAIL. PIGTAILS PONYTAIL PONYTAIL PIGTAILS. You know what imma keep it loose :) I put on a pull over that Marco gave me for my birthday last year-a lot like my dress but opposite colors and well in a hoodie form! I slipped on a skirt and leggings and rushed downstairs-to find Marcos face asleep inside of his cereal bowl. I poked his cheek and he woke up immediately to fall off his Chair-hmmm so cute :)
"Star what was that for!" Marco exclaimed
I just giggled and sat down -I magically made a bowl of cereal with my wand. Marcos face was pink by now. He seemed dazed off.....what could he be thinking? Wait....he's looking at me...oh my Mewni......
I quickly felt a twist in my stomach -what is this and why am I feeling it?! I snapped and Marco woke from his daydream to have a cherry red expression -"STAR! You're here! Um I have to go dress for school see you by the door!"
This is awkward.....
Marcos POV: I slammed the door behind me -phew-for a play it safe kid that was not to cool.... I tore off my jam-jams and put them in my hamper. I've developed feelings for star ever since she met that dumb Oskar guy. ugh. why would she like a guy like him-_____-
I put on my red hoodie and black skinny jeans then tied up my vans. I raced to the bathroom and fixed my hair to perfection. Ahh another normal day with my one and only, star butterfly. I wouldn't replace her for the world or mewni or whatever other dimension she's taken me to! I waited at the front door and star was getting her backpack ready - not so nice and neat -perfect in my view. I stared in awe at the sky outside -it was a heavenly wisteria. The shining sun kissed stars face as she walked towards the doors. it made her hearts gleam beautifully.
"Let's go Marco what's taking so long!" She practically screamed. my face felt hot and I turned to see star blushing gorgeously. I speechlessly Walked to school with her.
"Wow it's so so pretty out here Marco! The Suns shining perfecto and the sky's color is stunning. I smiled softly. she wasn't seeing the best part of the view yet for she could not see herself. "yeah I guess it looks nice." I said. star could've been saying a ton of things but it didn't really sink in. all that matters is that she's here with me..... hopefully forever.....
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ (at school)
Stars POV - ugh math class is sooooo boring. I turned to look at Marco who's nose was stuck in his textbook-intrigued. I giggled and thought..."hmm my wild man :)" I looked over at the teacher, I think she was actually cool.She winked at me as if saying-he's a keeper. Hehehe I hope so. oh no.
Oh no oh no oh no oh no.
Jackie Lynn Thomas Walked by and Marcos eyes traced her way in awe. I frowned. there's no point. I'll never stack up to that girl...
Stars POV:
I nudged marco and said "ask her!! Ask her now!" Just tone nice. I didn't need to make anything more obvious..
~time lapse to the end of school day~
"Hey star", Marco asked me.
"What is it Marco?"I told him
"I think I need to admit something....before
Stuff mixes up and gets all weird and well....'serious'. but I need to tell you at home ok?"
"Uhhhh.....sure I guess"
-~at home~-
Marcos POV.
How do u do this how to I say it oh my this is so hard....
Star and I have already done our homework and u still haven't told her. I guess I'll take a quick shower
~after shower~
Ok. I've showered she's showered. it's almost bedtime. lets do this Marco. don't play it safe now.
"Oh star..." I said sing songy.
"I think I'm gonna tell you now."
She came in with tears in her eyes.
"What is it star..." I asked putting my arm over her shoulders.
"Its... I... oh Marco.....this is...oh my....."
"Shhh Shhh...." I said comforting her,"its all gonna be fine.. just tell me what happened.."
"Ok but it's long. do you mind if I sleep here with you tonight.." She blushed at the words and I especially did. but I couldn't let star feel unsafe, especially at night.
"It's alright. you can stay with me as long as you like. as long as you feel safe."
"Aww. classic Marco." she said blushing and gave me a big hug. At first I couldn't move. i was stiffened with the passion then hugged her back with twice the fury. she started to cry into my shoulder."there there star. now tell me what happened."
"Okay. so I took a shower and after that I had a mirror call and well..tom called. he said h wants to take me back!"
"Oh no...." I said sadly. I couldn't let my star go away into another place. especially without me. I need her. she changed my world for the better, without her...ill never ever be the same.
"And why don't you want to go back star.."
"Well because...because...because I like you Marco. I like you...alot more then I ever liked anybody else. not even Oscar has made me feel this way...."
Woah. that was a lot to take in. but I wouldn't change those words for the world.
"I like you to star. maybe even more then you can ever like me...."
"Thanks for always being there for me Marco."
"Anything for you star"
"Well goodnight Marco."
"Goodnight star."
She laid over and so did I. though I was just pretending to sleep. i will treasure this moment. forever and always.
Stars POV.
I was really awake. I can't sleep with all this excitement and joy in me. About five minutes later I looked over at Marco. I kissed his cheek and whispered goodnight my lips tickling his skin. The next thing I knew I was feeling invincible. He kissed me back on the lips and it felt to amazing. I kissed him back with even more passion. we pulled apart in about two minutes that felt like 10 seconds. I giggled.
. "goodnight now?"
"Yep pretty sure I'm in need of breathing From mouth." he giggled
"Goodnight now Marco."
"Goodnight star...."
Ok to my readers! This is also in feature for the new episode which leaves us all in suspense and excitement......."The Blood Moon Ball" 😊 YAY! FINALLY
It premiers on Monday July 20 2015 at eight thirty :)
Peace and goodnight guys!

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