Chapter One: My New Friend

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Saturday July 10, 2020, 9:30 A.M

A gravelly voice catches me off guard. A woman, dressed in a doubtful manner, is explaining us the rules of the camp. She's breaking my eardrums so bad that I don't dare listen to her. At my right, a young boy wearing headphones is sleeping-he had a good reason-, snot dripping down his nastrils. Ew.

- Pst, don't you find that woman hella annoying? A girl at my left calls me.

I look over, relieved to notice that I'm not the only one to get traumatized by that woman. . She looks really kind, her expression is smiling, as if she wasn't bored by the situation right now. Her eyes are a deep amber, as her long brown hair is attached in a ponytail, a square-shaped bang covering her eyes.

- Of course I do! It looks like she had just escaped a funeral center!

Hearing her snicker and nodding her head vigorously, I give her my warmest smile before inquiring her:

- I'm Cassandra. Is this your first stay here at the Okitwawa Camp?

- Olivia, she admits, and no, that's the fifth time I had to endure Mrs. Weird's speech...Olivia says

As I'm about to ask her who Mrs. Weird is, I hear the woman in front of us both yelling "Have fun kids!". I sigh and smile at my-possibly-or-maybe-it's nothing-but-new-friend, fighting against the shared enthusiasm around the group.

- I'm excited, how about you? I ask her, a blonde strand of hair falling in my face.

- I am, but less excited when I discovered that we were going to be with William...Olivia reveals as she winces, sticking her tongue out.

- Who's William?

Olivia sighs and gestures to the boy at my right, who was sleeping earlier, who now gives us a smile of pure delight. Uh-oh, I think with disdain..

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