Chapter Fourteen: Olivia's Dilemnia

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Wednesday July 15, 2020, 16: 20 P.M

*Olivia's pov*

After the ceremony to show the new chefs, I went to the Owl tent. I wanted some alone time. With the big drama including Cassandra and Audrey, I didn't want to think about anything.

Nothing else but me.

Crushed on my bed, my face buried in the pillow, I start crying.

I cry and cry until I have no tears left to cry.

I have enough. Wiping my tears, I think about what feeds my anger and the reason why I'm sniffling right now.

Cassandra. She occupies everyone's thoughts. She takes all the place in camp. Everyone has a good idea of her behind their head, and they support her deeply. All of this because of that small hidden election. I mumble incoherent sentences under the pillow, feeling my jealousy climb up. Suddenly, I freeze, noticing my intrusive thoughts.

No, I shouldn't be jealous! I kicked out Audrey, and chose her. I decided to support her, and to actually become friends with her.

Yet I have to agree with Audrey. She needs a small consequence for what she did.

A small one.

What am I even thinking? I'm torn with my long-lasting friendship with Audrey and the complicity I share with Cassandra.

Did I do the right choice? Is Audrey better than Cassandra?

Surpassed by all of this, I sigh and lean my head against the pillow, scrutinizing the ceiling.

At the same moment, Audrey and Lana come right into the tent, sticking crazy glue on Cassandra's mastress.

Hesitating, I remain in my bed, torn. I decide to let them do their things, because I know Cassandra will take good care of this. Well, I believe so. I think so....I don't know.

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