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Projekt X pov.
I hear them talking again they were disappointed.
- His DNA still doesn't show the sign of superpower.
- Dammit! I was hoping he would improve more than Project Kr., but it seems I was only throwing my money out on the window! How old is it?
- Ten weeks old, sir. Maybe he's just waiting until puberty to...
- Project Kr. was able to show his powers in 5 weeks! Get him out of the pod and destroy it! - I heard the familiar voice. So that's it, my existence is over. For the first time I moved my muscles and I heard the pod opening, but before I could open my eyes they pushed something in my neck and I went limb. Someone carried me to a table and put me there.

Unknow pov.
Superboy punches open the elevator shaft door for Sub-Level 15, jumping through before the four were crushed by the elevator cart. When they turned back to the hall, the saw more Genomrphs coming for them. They ran down the hallway to the left of them, as they were running Superboy started to hear a voice in his head telling him where to go.
- "Turn left, brother."
- Go Left! Left!
- "Turn right!" - it spoke again.
- Right! - as they turned right, they ran into a dead end with a vent cover on the wall
- Great directions, Supey. You trying to get us re-podded? - the speedster asked.
- No. I... I don't understand.
- Don't apologize. This is perfect! - Robin said.
- "Wait! You have to save him! He's just a child! They're going to kill him!" - the voice screamed. Superboy raised his head confused, but started runing as soon as he heard the voice again.
- Wait, Supey! Where are you going!? - someone yelled, but he was already far. The teens looked at each other, than decided to follow the clone. Soon they found themselfs in another lab, similar to the one they saved Superboy from, but the pod was empty and two sientist were working next to a desk. On it, was a small body laying unconcusly, but alive.
- What is that? - Kid Flash asked.
- Another clone? - Aqualad stepped next to Superboy.
- But it's just a kid. Can't be more than ten. What are they doing to him? - they tried to look closer. One of the sientist stepped next to the kid and raised a vaccine to his arm.
- Get away from him! - Superboy screamed knocking away the two man in white coat. Robin immidiatly picked up the needle and sniffed it.
- Potassium chloride, they tried to murder him.
- Why? What is this kid? - Kid Flash asked. Superboy just stared at the child then piked him up in his arms.
- He is my baby broter.
- There is another clone of Super....
- No, he is not! Look! - Aqualad showed some documents.

Name: Project X
Age: 10 weeks
DNA donor: unknow alien form
Superpower: None
Gender: Male
Experiment: Failed

- So he's just an ordinary kid.
- He is also the creation of Cadmus. So, he is my brother, I'm not gonna leave him.
- Did anybody said were leaving him? Now, let's go! - Robin said and the run back to the same point. Using his computer gauntlet the wonder boy accessing the motion sensors.
- I hacked the motion sensors.
- Sweet.
- Still plenty of them between us and out.
- But I've finally got the room to move. - Kid Flash then opened the stairwell door and used his super speed to run up the stairs the ithers following him. As Kid Flash was running, he saw Genomorphs coming from the top of the stairwell, but was able to knock them all down. As they kept moving, Robin was using his computer gauntlet using the motion sensors to track the Genomorphs
- More behind us! - Robin souted.
Superboy turned around, and slammed his foot into the ground, causing the set of stairs the Genomorphs were on to fall.

As the four teens and child made it to Sub-Level 1, the emergency doors started to shut
- Oh, crud. - when the doors closed, Kid Flash tried to stop, but he crashed and bounced off the door.
- We're cut off from the street.
- Thanks. My head hadn't noticed. - Superboy put the child down, than he and Aqualad tried to pry open the door, but the it would not budge. Robin tried to hack it but the door was too incrypted.
- Can't hack this fast enough. - the four turned around to see G-trolls coming from the stairwell.
- This way! - Robin kicked open a door and everybody ran through it just to be cut off by more Genomorphs and Guardian. The four teens were ready to fight until the G-gnomes' horns glowed and knocked out Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad while making Superboy fall to his knees with the child in his arms.
- Perhaps for the sake of all Genomorphs our brothers, Superboy snd Project X should make up their own mind. - Superboy looked up towards Dubbilex with a surprised look on his face. Next to him was standing a small child. The very same that laid unconsusly in his arms, but this time, wide awake.
- It was you.
- Yes, brothers. I set the fire and lured your new friends down into Cadmus. Woke them when they were in danger...
- And guided me. - then he looked at the child. - Then leading me to save him.  Why?
- Because you two are our hope, the Genomorph heros. You will blaze a trail for all of our brothers showing us the way to freedom. - than he looked at Project X. - Grow up to be a great man and a good person.
- Thank you.
- What is your choice, brother?
- I... choose... freedom. - Dubbilex nodded at Superboy choice as if to say it was the right answer. Project X also smiled and held the elder boy's hand.
- Feels like fog lifting.
- Guardian?
- Go, I'll deal with Desmond.
- I think not. Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus. - Desmond then drunk the Blockbuster serum, with that Desmond started to become muscular, as Kid Flash and Robin gasped. Then the skin on Desmond's face ripped revealing that his muscles that turned bluish-gray and very hard, while his eyes turned black with red irises and pupils. As Desmond stood up he was no longer Dr. Desmond anymore, he was now, Blockbuster
- Everyone back! - Guardian ran at Blockbuster to try and stop him, but Blockbuster whacked him into the wall knocking him out. Superboy put the child down than jumped at Blockbuster punching him, then he punched him back but not enough to knock him out. Superboy then shot up and punched Blockbuster two times in the face, but then Blockbuster punched Superboy hard enough to slide across the ground. As Superboy jumped into the air to bring his forearms down onto Blockbuster's head, Blockbuster roared and jumped at Superboy sending both through the ceiling and onto the main floor. Aqualad, Robin, and Kid Flash ran to the hole that Blockbuster just made through the ceiling looking up at it
- Okay. That's one way to bust through the ceiling. - Robin took out his grappling hook and Kid Flash grabbed him before he went up the hole. Aqualad picked up the child in his arms than he jumped throuh the hole.
- You think lab coat planned that?
- I doubt he is planning anything anymore. - as Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin went through the hole they saw Superboy and Blockbuster still fighting. He placed Project X down to the ground, but the child suddenly moved. As Superboy just broke free of Blockbuster's grip, Blockbuster grabbed him by legs and threw Superboy at Aqualad. Robin and Kid Flash ran to help the two back to their feet as Blockbuster let out a roar. Kid Flash rushed at Blockbuster sliding through his feet before Blockbuster could punch him. When Blockbuster turned his head around to stand in front of him, both Aqualad and Superboy punched him in the face, as he was dazed he stepped backwards and tripped over Kid Flash
- Learned that one in Kindergarten. - he smirked as he stood from his kneeling position. Robin flipped over the speedster's head and launched his birdarangs at the monstrous blue figure as he lay prone on his back, only for him to knock them aside easily. Superboy rushed up to Blockbuster, which seemed to enrage him, and he leapt to his feet, grabbing the clone before he could react. Blockbuster rushed at a pillar, slamming Superboy against it. It dented under the force and sent spiderweb fractures throughout the structure. Superboy managed a few punches of his own before getting hit by Blockbuster again, but before the former Doctor Desmond could get in a second hit, a water whip appeared and coiled around his arm. Aqualad let Blockbuster carry him forward, kneeing him in the face as he passed. The whip morphed into a mace as Aqualad prepared a second assault, but Blockbuster grabbed the spiked weapon and tossed the Atlantean away.
- Urh... - the teens turned back to see the child waking up and now in a sitting position. Blockbuster, seeing this charged at the boy. Superboy quickly jumped and dragged him out if the way, protecting him from the hit. The two boy looked at each other and gave a small smile. Then Blockbuster ran at Superboy, he quickly pushed the child out of the way right before Blockbuster threw him into a another pillar breaking it and getting Superboy covered in pillar debris. Kid Flash ran at Blockbuster, who just tried to crush Aqualad under his foot, but Blockbuster grabbed Kid Flash as he passed by and threw him at Aqualad, who made another water maze to hit Blockbuster with. When Kid Flash crashed into the floor and Aqualad into a pillar, Blockbuster ran and punched Aqualad so hard that the ceiling and the remaining pillars shook
- Of course. KF, get over here! - Robin shouted. Blockbuster grabbed Aqualad by the face just as Aqualad was taking out a water bearer to make a water shield. Just as the water shield was made, Blockbuster pulled back his fist to punch Aqualad only for it to be stopped by the shield. Superboy got back to his feet and pick up another piece of pillar debris and slam it into Blockbuster's back to be followed up by punches and a headlock. Blockbuster let go of Aqualad and slammed Superboy through a pillar while on Robin's computer gauntlet, it shows that it compromises the structural integrity of the building
- Got it?!
- Got it!
- Go! - Kid Flash rushes towards Blockbuster, who just picked up Superboy, and punched him in the face. As Kid Flash got back to his feet he saw that he took the ripped nose skin off Blockbuster's face.
- Got your nose. - Blockbuster threw Superboy down and went after Kid Flash, who was able to dodge his attacks so far. Superboy and Aqualad got back to their feet to go back and fight Blockbuster until Robin called them.
- Superboy, Aqualad...! - as Kid Flash rushed to another pillar, Blockbuster was still following him
- Come get me, you incredible bulk! - as Blockbuster punched out another pillar, a piece of its debris hit Kid Flash in the back making him stumble to the ground. Blockbuster was about to land on Kid Flash, but he was able dodge it but Blockbuster was able to follow up and punch him in the back. Back to Robin, he had just told Superboy and Aqualad which pillars to hit.
- This one and that one! - Superboy and Aqualad ran off to take out the designated pillars to go according to Robin's plan. Robin then took out some of his bird-a-rangs and threw them at certain pillars waiting for the plan to be set in motion. Superboy and Aqualad ran and both punched out their pillars, while Kid Flash lured Blockbuster to punch out his pillar for him.
- Sorry, try again. - Robin took out chalk and marked and "X" on the ground as Aqualad poured water on the ground. Kid Flash lured Blockbuster onto the water where Superboy jumped up punched Blockbuster in the face as he slipped and sled across the water onto the "X" on the ground. Aqualad then electrocuted the water in turn electrocuting Blockbuster as they waited to see what the next step was
- Move! - everyone moved as they saw Robin's bird-a-rangs in some of the pillars. Then the bird-a-rangs started beeping getting ready to detonate, and when they did the roof started come down as the building collapsed on top of Blockbuster with the four teens and the child still inside. As the dust settled, Superboy punched through the debris to move it out of their way. The small boy was hugging his waits still a little dizzy from the medic.
- We... did it. - Aqualad breathed heavily.
- Was there ever any doubt? - Robin showed up. He and Kid Flash high fived only for them to hold the sore side of their chest. As they looked around Superboy and Project X saw Blockbuster lying under the debris unconscious.
- See? The moon. - Kid Flash sowed to them. As Superboy looked at the moon he could see something flying their way. As the person grew bigger Superboy could see that, that person was Superman. - Oh. And Superman. Do we keep our promises or what? - Superboy and Project X stared in awe to see Superman and the rest of the Justice League landing right in front of them. Superboy walked out from behind the other three young heroes and walked up towards the League. As Superman looked at Superboy cautiously, Superboy lifted up his teared solar suit and showed Superman the red "S". Superman stared at Superboy in awe and then sternness, which made Superboy unhappy at how he was looking at him. Project X, sensing the saddnes, quickly rushed to him and hugged his waist, making everybody gasping more.
- Is that was I think it is? - Batman asked.
- He doesn't liked to be called an "it".
- I'm Superman's clone.
- And him? - the dark knight pointed at the child still cuddling into the teenaged boy who just wrapped his arm around him protectivly.
- Another clone. They called him a "failed experiment" he is a human. - Robin explaned. The rest of the Leaguers just stood and looked at each other in at the shocking revelation they just found out
- Start talking.

After six of the Leaguers went to carry of Blockbuster, the other Leaguers were conversing about the recent events. Superboy looked over to Superman, who was talking to Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. When Martian Manhunter saw Superboy looking their direction, he put his hand on Superman's shoulder to let him know. Superman sighed then he turned around to go to talk to Superboy about what they will do with him. As Superboy looked away, he looked back up to see what Superman had to say to him
- We'll, uh, we'll figure something out for you. - he said then just flow away. As Superman flew off Superboy stood there a little surprised thinking that maybe things may work out between him and Superman
- Cadmus will be investigated all 52 level, but let's make one thing clear...
- You should have called. - Flash crossed his arms.
- End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again. - Batman said it whit a hard stare, the kid loudly gluped.
- I am sorry, but we will.
- Aqualad, stand down.
- Apologies my king, but no. We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together on our own we forged something powerful, important.
- If this is about your treatment at the hall, the three of you...
- The four of us, well... Five? - Kid Flash looked at the kid unsure what to say. - And it's not. - corrected it.
- Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us or why teach us at all. - Robin stated.
- Why let them tell us what to do? It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way. - the Leaguers that was still there starred in awe at what they just heard. As the four teens stood in front of Batman, he just stood there thinking about what to do next.
- What about the kid? - Aquaman asked.
- We will took him to an ophanage. - Batman said, but this only made Superboy hug the boy and pushing him behind himself.
- No!
- Superboy, this is the best opcion...
- No, it's not! We are both the creations of Cadmus! We are brothers! I made an oath that I will protect him, you will not separeting us! - he shouted.
- Can he speak? - Batman asked.
- I can. - the boy speak up for the first time. - I am Project X, I was meant to be a test clone to another speac of aliens, but my DNA showed no signs of superpower, so they tried to execute me. My brothers Superboy and Dubbilex saved my life, so I will live it. - he said stepping forvard. The grown ups looked at each other.


JULY 8TH, 08:04 EDT

The Leaguers were inside the their old base, inside Mt. Justice, fixing everything everything and repairing some equipment
- This cave was the original sanctuary of the Justice League. We're calling it into service again. Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on League terms. Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary's in charge of training you. I will deploy you on missions.
- Real missions? - Robin said exitedly.
- Yes, but covert.
- The League will handle the obvious stuff. There's a reason why we have these big targets on our chest. - Aquaman said.
- But Cadmus proves that the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly.
- The five of you will be that team.
- Cool! Wait. Five? - as Batman looked behind him, the four teens turned around to see Martian Manhunter and someone who looked like him but with red hair walking from where the zeta tube was.
- This is Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian.
- Hi. - Kid Flash zoomed to her.
- Liking this gig more every minute. Uh, welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash. That's Robin, Aqualad. It's cool if you forget their names.
- I'm honored to be included. - as the three walked over to talk to Miss Martian, Superboy stood his ground trying to be dissocial from the other young heroes, also there was a slim arm on his waist, and the owner was hiding behind him.
- Hey, Superboy, kiddo. Come meet Miss M! - Superboy walked over to them with the kid behind him as she turned her Martian bio-shirt turned black and her cape dissappered.
- I like your t-shirt. - Superboy looked at Miss Martian in the eyes and smiled as Robin elbowed him gently in the chest, Kid Flash zoomed over and put his arm over his shoulder, and Aqualad just stared at them.
- Today is the day.
- What day? - a small voice asked. Miss Martian went down to his level.
- Hi, who are you?
- This is my brother.
- Oh, he is Superboy too?
- No, I'm just... Me. - he wisperd the end. Superboy turned around and kneeld down holding his head.
- You're you and I'm me, but we are we. Don't worry. - he said. The boy smiled and wrapped his arms around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03 ⏰

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