Don't mind the photo :3

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(If  i misspell, please don't correct me. It will only annoy me if i get "you misspelled it" or "it's actually spelled [insert right spelling]". Pleas enjoy my rants.)


So, as I'm writing this first paragraph It's like 9 PM where I live and I'm studying for my math exam I have tomorrow (wish me luck ya'll) . I'm tired and I honestly just want to sleep soundly until the next decade. But I'm also absolutely shit at math in more ways than one-
My dad is great at It, my mom not so much. And SOMEHOW I managed to be ass at it?
It doesn't make any fucking sense why I'm so shit at math, yet my dads a fucking genius at it?

I also drew a spider today, I felt like I needed to bring that up. Oh! And I also made a new OC, who has a super long legal name. But he mostly goes by Lukas or Dr. Fritzgerald. 
(His full name Is Lukas José Jeremy Fristzgerald) 


HIII IM NOT READY FOR M MATH EXAM TODAY. Sitting in music class and writing this lol
I gonna end this first "chapter" with uhh... I'll had photos in the next chapter :) 


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