Chapter 6: The Art of Pretending

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Summary: Sam and Quinn pretend like they're dating so Sam's ex will leave Sam alone. It leads to something. 


Sam stood by the large window of her apartment, staring out at the bustling city below. The faint hum of traffic and the distant chatter of people filled the air, but inside her mind, a storm brewed—anxiety gnawed at her insides like a relentless predator. She had never been one for confrontation; it was always easier to retreat into herself than face the chaos of someone else's demands. But Richie had pushed her to her limit. His constant texts, showing up unannounced at her events, and the never-ending reminders of their messy breakup—it was all too much to bear. 

With a frustrated flick of her wrist, she ran her fingers through her dark hair, feeling the tension knotting her shoulders. She let out a long, exasperated breath, desperately trying to center herself. Her phone buzzed on the coffee table in front of her, a familiar sound that had taken on a dreadful significance. She already knew who it was before she even picked it up. Another message from Richie. The words on the screen were casual enough, yet Sam could feel the underlying desperation pulsing beneath the surface. 

Richie: We should talk. 

Sam groaned and tossed the phone back down, her irritation boiling over. How many times did she have to make it clear that she wanted space? He just wouldn't give up, no matter how many times she ignored him, no matter how many boundaries she tried to set. It was as if Richie reveled in her discomfort, always finding a way to push past her defenses. 

The soft sound of footsteps drew her attention, pulling her away from her spiraling thoughts. Quinn entered the room, her presence commanding yet calming, moving with that effortless confidence that had become Sam's anchor over the past few months. Quinn always had this way of making any space feel safer, her aura grounding in a way Sam couldn't quite explain. Sam turned, her eyes meeting Quinn's, and for a moment, the chaos of the outside world faded, replaced by a flicker of relief. 

Quinn's gaze flickered to the phone on the table, a knowing look crossing her face. "Let me guess," she said, her voice low and even, "Richie again?" 

Sam nodded, the weight of the situation pressing down on her like a heavy blanket. "He just doesn't know when to stop. I've tried everything—ignoring him, blocking his number, even telling him straight out to leave me alone. But nothing works. It's like he thinks he still has some claim on me." 

Quinn stepped closer, her eyes narrowing with concern. "And how long has this been going on?" 

"Ever since the breakup," Sam muttered, folding her arms across her chest in a futile attempt to shield herself from the overwhelming frustration. "That was a year and a half ago, and he still won't let it go." 

Quinn shook her head, her expression hardening with indignation. "That's not just annoying, Sam. That's obsessive. He needs to understand that you've moved on." 

"I know," Sam admitted, biting her lip. "But what am I supposed to do? He has the connections and the determination, and every time I think he's finally backing off, he shows up again. I feel like I'm trapped in a never-ending cycle of his nonsense." 

Quinn paused for a moment, her eyes searching Sam's face as if weighing the gravity of the situation. Finally, she spoke, her tone thoughtful but firm. "What if we tried something different? Something that might actually get him to back off for good?" 

Sam tilted her head, intrigued but skeptical. "Like what?" 

Quinn stepped closer, her presence steady and reassuring. "What if we make it look like you've moved on? You know, let Richie see that you're not just ignoring him—you're with someone else. That might be enough to make him realize there's no coming back." 

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