. I don't have depression, but sometimes I wonder what my funeral would look like and who would be there or truly feel my loss.
. I don't have depression, but today, like any other day, it was hard to get out of bed.
. I don't have depression, but I wonder why I don't fit in anywhere.
. I don't have depression, but I still wonder why you didn't stick around and why wasn't I good enough for you.
. I don't have depression, but losing friends and family to death made the colors darker.
. I don't have depression, but why do I feel like a failed parent.
. I don't have depression, but why don't my alarms wake me up anymore.
. I don't have depression, but why do sad songs remind me of when I was happy.
. I don't have depression, but when you say you're proud of me, it never feels like I did enough to deserve your praise.
. I don't have depression, but I feel so disconnected from the world.
. I don't have depression, but the moon makes me happy, and the darkness feels like home.
. I don't have depression, but I want my son & daughter to have everything I never did, so why does waking up feel like the start to a bad day.
. I don't have depression, but these scars remind me of when I felt something.
. I don't have depression, but I haven't been happy in a long time.
. I don't have depression, but why does death seem like a glowing exit sign.
. I don't have depression, but why do the sad memories never seem to fade.
. I don't have depression, but why where is all my engery.
. I don't have depression, but why does the alcohol take away all the bad thoughts.
. I don't have depression, but where did this anxiety come from.
. I don't have depression, but why does being sober feel like Hell.
. I don't have depression, but why do I eat to much or nothing at all.
. I don't have depression, but why do I trust no one.
. I don't have depression, so why do I chase heartache.
. I don't have depression, but when did I last shower.
. I don't have depression, but when does this sadness end.
. I don't have depression, but when I met you, you took all the sadness away, but when you left, I greeted sadness like an old friend.
. I don't have depression, but when did drawing become a chore.
. I don't have depression, but when did my body bother me.
I don't have depression I'm not a boy anymore. I'm a man now.
. I don't have depression, but this smile hasn't been genuine for a long time.
I don't have depression
Randomshort story about struggling through the years with depression