Morrotober - Oct 1

22 3 16

 Very short sorry-

Prompts: Elements | elemental inheritance | the difference beween wind and air

Morro went with a hand through the air. 'This,' he said, 'is air. I CANNOT control it.'

Lloyd looked at him. 'But why? Isn't wind just air?'

Morro sighed. He had been explaining this for about half an hour. 'Wind is like- the movement of air. Not air itself. I cant suck the air out of a room and kill us all.'

'Oh.' Lloyd said. 'Thats... good I guess?

'Yeah, for you. That is, if I ever decide to turn evil again. But do you understand now? The difference between wind and air?'

'Yeah.' Lloyd said and nodded.

'Good.' Morro looked at his cousin, and continued, 'that means I can finally get some sleep, and you too. Aren't living people supposed to sleep or something? Its 3 am and go the fuck to sleep.'

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