Authors Note And Disclaimer

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The Twilight Saga does not belong to me and all the rights goes to Stephenie Meyer. Only the orignal characters and original plot line belongs to me

Hi!! Author here.

Just wanna say a few things. First off this is my very first work, so is bound to have mistakes that I will try to improve as I write.

Secondly english is not my mother tongue, so I ask you to have patience and comment for me to improve. I will greatly appreciete it.

And thirdly I only doing this for fun and the love I have for Twilight. Its just so much fun to think of how different things could have gone if one factor differs of what Meyer gave us.

Also this WILL differ from canon, so expect that many things will change. Characters may look ooc sometimes, but i will try to make them think and act as see in the original story. As I have not read the books, nor do i plan to for the moment, this will be based on the movies.

But I know the lore well enogh from other media that I read to inform me about.

This is a Rosalie centric kinda story, and the Pov will rotate between her and the other protagonist.

Thank for reading, have a good night!!♡♡♡

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