Chapter 13

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"Good job, Swallowpaw!" Antpelt called from the medicine cats' den. He was there because of one particularly deep gash on his side, made by Snowtuft during a practice bout. The skinny white tom had clawed it harshly, but Antpelt had landed a few good blows too. Both of them had left the training grounds bloodied but determined to do better next time.

Many moons had passed, and now it was Swallowpaw, Sedgepaw and Thistlepaw's warrior ceremony. They had all done well. But there were also losses. Oatwhisker, Morningflower and Barkface had perished a few moons ago, much to the pain of the Clan. Also, Webfoot and Tornear were elders now, and Whiskerpaw, Furzepaw and Boulderpaw had been apprenticed to Owlwhisker, Heathertail and Breezepelt. Sunpaw had been made a warrior a few days ago, her name was Sunstrike. 

Poking his head out to watch, he heard Onestar announce, "Sedgepaw, StarClan honours your courage and concern. So, your warrior name shall be Sedgewhisker. Thistlepaw, StarClan honours your care and loyalty, so yours will be Thistleheart. And finally, Swallowpaw. StarClan honours your strength and enthusiasm, and your name will be Swallowtail!"

"Sedgewhisker! Thistleheart! Swallowtail!" chanted the Clan approvingly. After the ceremony, Emberfoot touched noses with Sedgewhisker gently, and she returned it, her pale amber eyes glowing. Swallowtail bounded up to Antpelt and pressed her pelt against his. Purring so hard he couldn't speak, Antpelt gave her a swift lick behind the ear.

The Clan then settled down to eat. Antpelt grabbed one of the rabbits on the pile and tossed it to Swallowtail, wincing at the pain that shot up his side. Harespring and Gorsetail joined them as well. The four cats crouched over the prey and he tore off a piece of meat from the leg, savouring every bite.

When the meal was finished at last, Swallowtail and Antpelt leaned back, their bellies stuffed for the first time in moons, and their pelts brushed casually together. Harespring caught his eye, and he moved away, his pelt prickling uneasily. Sure, he liked Swallowtail, but he still wanted to wait before becoming mates. Even now, memories of Flytail flooded his every day. Once he'd done something that was actually worthy of Flytail, then he would ask the dark gray she-cat.

Slowly, the cats began to disperse. Swallowtail sat with her littermates at the entrance, starting her vigil. Willowclaw, Leaftail and Dewspots murmured into their ear, probably to give them some advice on staying awake. Harespring stayed back for a while, and before Antpelt got up to return to Kestrelflight's den, the brown-and-white tom advised, "Antpelt, you shouldn't go to the Dark Forest tonight. Your wound is already bad as it is."

Staring at his former mentor in shock, Antpelt exclaimed, "What? Harespring, some of our loyalties should lie in the Dark Forest too, in case you didn't know that. They helped us be the most amazing warriors! As for my wound, I'll be fine. It's not like it's life-threatening, anyway." Shaking his head, Harespring didn't say anything, but retreated to the warriors' den.

"Antpelt! Let me look at your wounds before you sleep," called Kestrelflight. "Coming!" Antpelt yowled back, padding to his nest. Grimacing slightly as the young medicine cat put ointment on them, Kestrelflight pronounced, "They're healing well. Get some rest; you'll be back on warrior duties soon."

Antpelt thanked the mottled gray tom before curling into his nest with a wry smile on his face. Get some rest... not likely!  

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