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Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for over100 years (Vitalini et al., 2013). Examining thehistory of herbal medicine usage from ancient timesto the mid-20th century indicates a decrease in theconsumption of medicinal plants until the 1940s anda subsequent resurgence in their use until the 1980s(Bauer, 2012). The presence of bioactive compoundsamong plants such as antioxidants, antimicrobialagents, and anti-tumor substances has enabled theirutilization as medicinal herbs, preservatives, anddietary supplements (Samtiya et al., 2021). One of thechallenges faced by humans today is dealing withcertain chronic and life-threatening diseases such ascancer, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratorydisorders (Koene et al., 2016). Free radicals andoxidative substances are continuously generated inliving organisms due to various metabolic reactions(Chaudhary et al., 2023). Considering the recognizedrole of free radicals and oxidants in the onset andprogression of these diseases, the significance ofantioxidants in the diet as neutralizers of thedetrimental effects of free radicals becomes highlysensitive (Jena et al., 2023). Aqaqia, commonlyknown as Black Locust, is a flowering tree or shrubbelonging to the Fabaceae family, which grows inmost regions of Iran. This tree is deciduous and itsleaves are compound, with a color ranging from greento bluish-green (Uzelac et al., 2023). Aqaqia (Robiniapseudoacacia) is among the resilient trees that haveadapted to various climates and is utilized forbeautifying green spaces, controlling soil erosion, andreclaiming cultivated lands. In the past, people usedAqaqia for the treatment of various diseases, and itstill plays a significant role in modern pharmaceuticaland nutritional sciences (Vítková et al., 2017). A studyconducted on Aqaqia root in India has demonstratedthat many polyphenolic compounds obtained fromthe dietary intake of antioxidant plants are effective inlaboratory conditions, similar to vitamins E and C(Bouayed et al., 2010). Consequently, they maysignificantly contribute to the body's protective effects(Ansari et al., 2023). Numerous studies haveconfirmed the high antioxidant activity of compoundsisolated from Robinia pseudoacacia bark extract(Ostolski et al., 2021). Studies have shown that theextract of this plant has blood sugar-lowering effects,which are related to the presence of flavonoids in theplant. This plant is used in the treatment of diabetesalong with other herbs (Yen et al., 2021). Itshepatoprotective effects have also beendemonstrated. Phenolic compounds constitute anessential part of phytochemicals with diversebiological activities (Madrigal et al., 2014). Theseinclude properties such as antioxidant, anti-tumor,anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and more (CuevasCianca et al., 2023). LDL is the most significantcholesterol-carrying lipoprotein in the blood,delivering cholesterol from the liver to peripheraltissues (Genovesi et al., 2023). LDL enters peripheralcells via endocytosis, transferring its contents to them(Siddiqui et al., 2022). HDL2 plays a role intransporting cholesterol back to the liver, removingexcess cholesterol from peripheral tissues in thisprocess (Ouimet et al., 2019). Increasing theproduction of free radicals or reducing the levels ofantioxidants may lead to oxidative damage topolyunsaturated fatty acids present in the cellmembrane structure (Lobo et al., 2010). Thisphenomenon, recognized as lipid peroxidation,initiates a chain reaction, ultimately resulting in theformation of Malondialdehyde (Ayala et al., 2014). Ifthis oxidative damage initiates, it can progress in achain reaction leading to cellular death, accompaniedby widespread symptoms of disease (Singh et al.,2019). Lipids are among the most important moleculestargeted by free radicals' attacks (Phaniendra et al.,2015). This process leads to lipid peroxidation,ultimately resulting in reduced cell viability and celldeath (Li et al., 2020). Among these, cell membranesrich in polyunsaturated fatty acids are more sensitive toperoxidation compared to other cellular components(Mortensen et al., 2023). Lipid peroxidation causesmembrane fluidity reduction and disrupts its structureand functionality, implicating its involvement in thepathogenesis of many diseases (Gaschler et al., 2017).Free radicals, such as reactive oxygen species commonlyreferred to as oxidative agents, reduce the activity of theperoxidase enzyme and increase the rate of LDLoxidation (Phaniendra et al., 2015).

LDL oxidation can create a conducive environmentfor atherosclerosis development (Poznyak et al.,2020). Paraoxonase (PON1) is a key component ofHDL and can deactivate toxic products generatedfrom the oxidation of LDL lipid components(Durrington et al., 2023). There is ample evidencesupporting the potential protective effect of PON-1 inthe atherogenic process (Longo et al., 2021). The aimof this study was to isolate LDL and investigate thefractions obtained from the alcoholic extract ofAqaqia root to assess their impact on oxidation LDLand paraoxonase 1 activity under in vitro conditions.  

Investigation of fractions derived from the alcoholic extract of the Acacia rootWhere stories live. Discover now