Turn Me On [Narry]

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A.N.: Smut from my new tumblr. Warned, you have been. Posted this to counterbalance the sadness from Acts of Valor

Truth be told, Harry had found it by accident. He had been messing with Niall one day while he was cooking, tickling his sides and poking the back of his knees, anything to draw the blonde’s attention from what he was doing. Harry let out a huff when the only reaction he got from Niall was a short chuckle before he propped his head on Niall’s shoulder. He wrapped his arms around Niall’s waist and looked down into the large pot of stew on the stove. He pouted at it before he spoke. “Remind me again why you’re doing this?”

“I wanted to try a new recipe.” Niall said simply, even shrugging slightly. “Why d’you ask?”

“Because we could be doing other stuff.” Harry hummed, letting a hand trail teasingly down Niall’s clothed chest before it wandered towards the waistband of his sweatpants. “Fun stuff.”

“Later, Haz, later.” Niall laughed again, moving Harry’s hand away before returning his hand to the stew spoon.

Harry let out a huff and leaned back, trying to think of other ways to distract his boyfriend from the task at hand. He eyed Niall’s bare shoulders thanks to the white wife beater the blonde had on and Harry bit his bottom lip contemplatively. He pressed lingering kisses against Niall’s shoulders, trailing his lips over the tank strap before he kissed Niall’s neck. Niall arched into Harry’s mouth, humming pleasantly, but he wasn’t yet paying full attention to Harry and so Harry decided to step it up a notch.

Harry started leaving light bites against Niall’s skin, alternating so he could also suck dark marks onto the pale flesh, receiving small keens for his troubles. He moved back to admire his handiwork and he smirked at the scattered love bites on Niall’s neck before he eyed the only place he hadn’t left a mark – the back of Niall’s neck. Harry leaned forward and let his teeth graze lightly across the smooth skin and he was ecstatic to receive a much louder reaction. Harry felt Niall freeze in front of him before Niall dropped the metal spoon against the side of the pot. Harry pulled back, eying the spot tentatively as he wondered what had caused such an instant reaction before he decided it didn’t really matter and he blew on it lightly.

Another gut reaction as Niall’s head fell forward and a low moan was drawn from his throat. “N-no, d-don’t do that.” Niall whimpered, trying to move away from Harry but there was nowhere for him to go, caught between Harry and the edge of the stove.

“Hmm? What was that?” Harry teased, before letting his tongue flick out to graze Niall’s neck. Harry grinned malevolently as Niall’s breath hitched momentarily, his shoulders tensed, and a broken up moan spilled from his throat. Harry attached his mouth to the spot and sucked, delighted in the sound that was practically a sob leaving Niall’s throat. Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Niall’s chest, letting his fingers tickle and touch teasingly while Niall’s knees buckled beneath him and he sank into Harry.

Harry’s tongue grazed over the spot lightly before he stepped back from Niall, unravelling his arms from the blonde but Niall suddenly spun around, hands shooting out to grab at Harry’s hair and tug him down so that Niall could kiss him hard on the mouth. Harry was shocked for a moment before he kissed back, arms winding their way around Niall’s back as Niall leaned into him fully. The additional weight caused Harry to stumble back into a chair but Niall just crawled onto Harry’s lap and rocked down into Harry. Harry could feel Niall straining stiff in his pants and he was shocked at how quickly Niall had been turned on but he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Harry wrapped a large hand around Niall’s throat, fingers grazing, and Niall whimpered pitifully into Harry’s mouth, tugging on Harry’s hair before he pulled away, attaching his mouth to the side of Harry’s jaw as he mumbled, “Hah-Harry, fuck…” Niall didn’t bother suppressing the raw moan that left his throat as he lowered a hand and tugged on Harry’s shirt. Harry understood his desire and he soon pulled away from Niall and jerked off his shirt while Niall did the same.

Harry ran his hands down Niall’s back, sneaking his fingers under the hem of his sweatpants so he could tug them down and bare his boxers. His hands worked the flesh of Niall’s ass, his mouth catching Niall’s once more. Niall’s blunt fingernails dug down Harry’s chest lightly as he whined against Harry’s lips, grinding his body down in a desperate search for contact and Harry stood up, hoisting Niall off of his lap but guiding Niall’s legs so they wrapped around his waist. Niall rutted against Harry, moaning once more, and Harry knew they weren’t going to make it to their bedroom upstairs.

With the pot on the stove forgotten, Harry lay Niall down on the breakfast table so that he could finally manage to tug off Niall’s pants and boxers and he tossed them away to the floor. Harry wrapped his hand around Niall’s peaking cock and stroked him smoothly, pressing fingers to the slit so he could collect the precum leaking from it. Niall groaned and arched up off the table but he never broke eye contact with Harry and they stared deep into each other’s eyes as Harry pressed a finger through the tight ring of muscles. Niall hips moved down into Harry’s fingers as he mewled shamelessly, hands reaching down to stroke his length when Harry released it.

“Don’t make me put a cock ring on you.” Harry warned Niall with a smirk, his grin widening as Niall moved his hands away, biting on a finger to hold himself back.

“F-fuck, Haz. Please,” Niall begged, finally breaking eye contact as he arched again and tilted his head back into the wooden surface beneath him.

Harry scrambled to grab at Niall’s thighs and Niall looked at him just in time to feel Harry slide smoothly into him. Niall arched up and moaned, fingers scrambling down his own chest to leave red welts in their wake. Harry reached down to grab at Niall’s waist, trying to thrust faster but their position made moving quickly too awkward without bruising his thighs against the end of the table.

Harry quirked Niall up so he arched off of the table again before he flipped him over, still inside him so the swirl around his cock made his eyes roll up into the back of his head and, if not for some miraculous self control Harry seemed to have over himself, he would have come right then and there. Niall was an instantly incoherent, moaning mess beneath him as he was bent over the edge of the table, fingers scrambling against it, trying to find purchase in its smooth, glossy surface. He bucked his hips back into Harry, fucking himself on Harry’s length when the brunette didn’t move fast enough.

Harry laughed for a very short moment before he grabbed at Niall’s hips and snapped his hips forward, tossing his head back from the squeeze of pleasure surrounding him. Harry bowed Niall further over the table, tangling his fingers in Niall’s hair and gripping Niall’s right thigh with the other. He moved his hand from Niall’s hair down to the back of his neck and digging his thumb into the right spot. Niall tossed his head back, arching into Harry before his body jerked uncontrollably. His body became impossibly tight around Harry’s length as he suddenly came onto the floor beneath him. Harry swooned behind him, bending low against Niall’s back as his bucking hips knocked the dinner table against the wall loudly. He painted Niall’s back with kisses before he grabbed at Niall’s hips and, thrusting deep inside of him, he ejaculated with trembling thighs.

Niall groaned low, body sinking into the table as he was filled with Harry’s hot release and his fingers still scrambled at the surface weakly. Harry’s arms wrapped around Niall’s stomach to press their heated bodies closer together and the feeling of his larger body layering over Niall’s made him moan and twist until his mouth found Niall’s in a lazy kiss. When they finally broke apart after what felt like an eternity of battling tongues, Harry broke the silence with a thought that had bothered him from the very beginning.

“So, what was that then?” Harry asked as they were still both coming slowly down from their highs. He pulled out of Niall with a grunt and a sigh before lying on his back on the table beside Niall.

“Hm?” Niall glanced over at him before realizing. “Oh, I don’t even know. I mean, I knew it was there but I don’t know what it is. It’s like my Achilles Heel.” Niall stiffened suddenly and shifted away from Harry. “D-don’t think you can use this against me again!” Niall stumbled to his feet and held out a hand towards Harry, keeping him at bay.

Harry shook his head with a grin, standing up so he could wrap his arms around Niall’s neck. “Don’t worry, babe. I would never do that.” Harry let his thumb stroke against the spot on Niall’s neck and Niall groaned, sinking to his feet as his legs buckled underneath him. “No,” Harry grinned down at him, running his fingers through Niall’s messy hair as he shivered beneath him. “I would never do that.”

A.N.: Comment, vote, fan. :) <3

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