"Today, not only the city, not only the state, not only the country, but the whole world has their eyes on the screen!" The reporter spoke into the mic, one hand covering her ears as people around her screamed. "Everyone waits with holding breaths to catch a glimpse of the most infamous dacoit not only in India, but in the world!" "In just a few minutes, she will come to her final trial, escorted by the police. This is Sushmita Rao, with cameraman Prabhu, and you are watching-" The judge switched off the television. "what bullshit." He muttered under his breath. Indian media, always trying to give you a headache. He was to judge the same case they were reporting. Judge Pranjal looked around his cabin. His desk of red wood was in front of him, sprawled across it were some papers related to the same case. It was weird, he thought to himself. She had given no plea for bail. No public conferences. It was almost like she accepted her faith and was content with it. Or she thought she will get out free of charge. Pranjal laughed to himself. There's no way he will pronounce her not guilty. She had been a terror for the world. Especially when she kidnapped that son of whoever that businessman was. Still, she had so many supporters, it was uncanny. They treated her like a goddess. What did they call her? Ah, Durga. Pranjal shakes his head and sighed. Such superstition. She has these rural people convinced she is a goddess. That's another reason to give her the death sentence, he thought to himself and found himself enjoying that thought. He loves to give harsh sentences to culprits. The crestfallen look on their face. The pleading gaze. He wondered if she would show the same face. He was still thinking about this when he heard his phone ring. It was an unknown caller. Having nothing better to do, he picked it up. "Hello? Judge Pranjal here." He spoke.
Rose of grace
Fantasyhi. I don't get much time to write. but I hope you like my delusional story with a strong female lead. And of course, it's Indian. Because we don't get represented enough. Also, this is my first story!