Poena Daemonis: Shattered Reflections

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Author Note

Hi dear readers,

Sometimes, stories are about heroes. Other times, they're about warriors, soldiers, or saviors. But this story? It's simply about a man. Yes, you read that right-just a man.

A man who holds the potential to become anything: a hero, a warrior, a soldier-or perhaps something far darker. He could transform into a cruel, heartless, ruthless, even heinous criminal. In our world, we might call him the perfect villain.

This man can be anyone because, within him, lie seeds that could grow into anything. Nurtured with care, they could blossom into a magnificent Strelitzia-a symbol of strength and beauty. But if mishandled or neglected, those same seeds could grow into something entirely different, like a Bird's-foot trefoil-a plant symbolizing misfortune and betrayal.

So, let's leave it to fate. Sit back, enjoy the ride, and immerse yourself in the story as just a reader.

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