After Lucious convinces zoe to join the police Force fast forward to the present
In the City.There are a group of five friends ....
They are from prestigious levi college.
They are popular there for all sortsOne day as they go for a picnic and
They are eating lunch together a group
Of kidnapers called the Spain band come to terrorize the parkTheir leaders are named Johnny barado and
Natalie crimson.
When the kidnapers are robbing everyone , they run into the group of friends they grab them , take them to their hide out, strip them nakedMake them dance around ebit , then they get free BJ from all the girls
Then from there Johnny hands them
Over to secret Mallone organisationThey are the new arch nemesis of Blisster whom are trying to reduce alanas control they are led by the professor who wants to exploit the kids
Connection to their parent.The professor contacts alanna and threatens her with doom is she doesn't
Give up her power, but she tells him
If his going to be two faced he should at
Least make one of them prettyThe professor siezes the opportunity to kill Megan and turn her into the Ghost
And tells her to hunt down alanna
This is the candy project phase 1Alanna gets her personal wizard jinmmy to summon a reanimated warrior named blaze using march of the dead technique to create an army to
Protect her utopia.

HAlan's crown : Revenge Of Zoe
Mistério / SuspenseComming soon ii This story involves a terrorist group known as Blisster. who's main aim is to steal a valuable KEY from the world's N.o1 Agency to power an entity to subdue the white House and take over the world they are led by a powerful and no...