ch4pt3r 5

97 2 1

{k4rk4ts p0v}

I wake up an hour later and nepeta is still asleep ... god she is so cute ... I find myself staring at her ... wow ... I try to look away but instead kiss her on the cheek and get up but I cant look away so I try to walk out of the room but walk into a wall and knock over a picture that was hanging there ... I instantly burst into tears ... it was the picture me and nepeta took a few days after I realized I had flushed feelings for her ... I look at her and she is awake "what happened" I show her the picture and hug her because she is tearing up now "I'll get a new frame tomorrow for it" I try to smile to cheer her up but it doesn't work because that frame was put on there the day the picture was taken ... it was special "I know" I get up and go to her dresser and look for something ... I found it and put it under a book on her bedside table "what was that" I look at her getting nervous "nothing ... I should go" "noooo stay here with meeeee" I pause for a minute and look at her "o-ok" she walks to her bed and look at me "cudd-" I cut he off "im coming hold on" I take my shirt off (this is how I sleep) and she blushes deeply and I walk to her bed and lay down with her ... she instantly tries to cuddle me but I fall off ... I get back on and she tries again successfully

{n3p3t4s p0v}

what is he hiding from me ... I will find out tonight while he sleeps my thoughts are broken by his voice "I love you" I blush and say it back and we eventually fall asleep

{t3r3z1s p0v}

I wake up and go to my computer


Gc: H3Y G4MZ33 4R3 Y0U 4W4K3

Tg: YeA tErEzI wHaT tHe MoThErFuCk Is UUuUuUuUp

Gc: K4RK4T 4SK3D N3P3T4 0UT

Tg: oH... SoRrY

Gc: 1 4M G01NG T0 K1LL H3R

Tg: nO don't fReAk oUt AbOuT tHiS hEs JuSt A bOy ... Go OuT wItH sOlLuX hE lIkEs YoU

Gc: R34LLY

Tg: yEa He Told Me HiM sElF


Tg: HeY mAn No PrObLeM tTyL

I quickly talk to sollux


Gc: H3Y S0LLUX <3

Ta: oh hey terezi

Gc: 1 L1K3 Y0U

Ta: I-I like you too

Gc: W1LL Y0U G0 0UT W1TH M3

Ta: hey I wa2 2uppo2e to a2k that


Gc: Y3S

Ta: but I didn't even a2k yet


Ta: will you go out with me terezi

Gc: Y3S

Ta: y4y

Gc: 1 GTG 1 W1LL T4LK T0 Y0U L4T3R

Ta: ok bye I love you

Gc: I L0V3 Y0U T00


WRIT3RS N0T3: S0RRY 4G41N TH4T 1T SUX ... D0NT B3 M34N

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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