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"Momma!" A young Selene runs through the meadow, laughing and squealing while her mother runs after her.
"Selene! The carriage is waiting for us! We must get back you silly girl,"
"But momma, I want to find a magic fairy! Because magic fairies can fly, and I want to fly!" Her mother couldn't help but smile and chuckle with her daughter.
"You will some day my love, but right now it's time to walk to the carriage and go back." Selene pouted and stuck her tongue out. She sat down looked away. Her mother smiled and held back a laugh. Silly little princess.
"Okay then, I guess Selene won't be able to open her birthday presents. I wonder what we will do with them?" Her mother feigned despair and sadness, but in the corner of her eye, Selena turned her head and looked at her mother. Her mother laughed and Selene gave in, and she laughed and ran into her mothers arms.
"Do you really have presents mama? For me?"
"Of course I do! It is your sixth birthday after all! Now let's go back to the carriage so we can go and open them with daddy," Selena nodded and held her mothers hand. Just as they were about to reach the trail and the carriage, Selene remember something.
"Oh wait momma! I dropped my doll!" Selene cried. Her mother sighed and went to go get it. She walked back into the meadow and searched for it. For the life of her she could not find it! Oh well, she would just have to buy her a new one.
She turned to leave, but then she heard peculiar sound. Like a whistle. She turned once again, and she met eyes with a woman. The woman smiled cruelly, and held up Selene's doll.
"I believe you are looking for this little thing?" Selene's mother eyes her and walked closer, slowly.
" Yes, I am? How did you know?"
"I heard the little girl crying for her doll, and I had found it." Selene's mother sighed a mad walked up to her.
"Well thank you very much, but may I please have it back so I can give it to my daughter? She is waiting for me alone." The other women laughed and eyed her with amusement.
"Silly woman, you do know you're not supposed to leave a child alone." Selene's mother looked at her with a confused expression, but the air was quickly filled with horrible screams. Her heart stopped.
"Selene!" Before she could run, the other woman held her hand out, and Selene's mother froze. The woman circled her, like a sleek panther stalking its prey.
"What are you doing? Where is my daughter?" The worried mother growled. The woman leaned it and smirked.
"First, what I'm going to do is take your daughter, kill you, and trade her off for money. And second, your daughter is with my husband, since you abandoned your own daughter-"
" I did not abandon my daughter!" The woman slapped her and pointed a finger to her face.
"Do not speak over me dearie! You left her alone, where anything could have happened to her, and something did. This does not make you a fit mother," the woman turned around and walked away. Selene's mother struggled and yelled out, "Aren't you going to kill me?" The woman turned and smiled with a evil look in her eyes.
"As tempting the offer is, and my original plan was to, I'm not going to." Selene's mother have her a look of confusion.
"I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to let you live. But I will take your daughter with me. I will tell her you left her for us, for a couple who couldn't bear children. And she will believe me. Because you are going back to the palace, and tell your husband she is dead. And if you don't and I find out about it, I will kill your darling little heir." The queen was crying by now, knowing there was nothing she could do. The woman once again and turned around and stopped for a second.
"Have a good day, Your Majesty."

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