20. Kabe-down

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It had been a whirlwind month leading up to the release of "Supernova," aespa's next major comeback. Every day had been packed with rehearsals, recordings, interviews, and meetings. Y/n had barely had time to breathe, let alone recover fully from the tension of the previous weeks. Though things between him and the group had patched up after their argument, the stress was still there, simmering beneath the surface.

The comeback was only a few days away, and the pressure of everything coming together had everyone on edge. Y/n had late nights going over scheduling details, answering last-minute requests from staff, and reviewing their choreography for any final adjustments. Though exhausted, he couldn't help but feel proud of how far they had come.

But today was different. Today was a rare, precious day off. No rehearsals, no interviews, no meetings. Just a day to unwind before the final sprint toward the comeback. The atmosphere at the dorm was strangely quiet for a group that usually thrived on chaos, and Y/n thought they might actually take the time to relax.

At least, that's what he thought.

"Jung Y/n!" Ningning's voice pierced the quiet of the dorm, shattering his brief moment of peace.

Y/n didn't even bother looking up from the screen, his voice dripping with resignation. "Yea Ning?"

Before he could get a proper answer, Winter popped her head into the room, grinning mischievously. "You've been on that game all morning. Time to earn your keep, idiot."

Y/n groaned, but still paused the game, fully aware that ignoring Winter and Ningning was a fool's errand. "Can't a guy get some downtime before things go crazy again?"

Winter smirked, leaning casually against the doorframe. "Downtime? You've been checking your emails and gaming every five minutes. This isn't downtime."

Caught red-handed, Y/n let out a defeated sigh. "Alright, what's the next disaster this time?"

Ningning stepped into the room with a flourish, dragging a whiteboard behind her, already filled with scrawled text. "We figured it's time for some fun! Behold, the Day Off Challenge Series!"


"Cmon! Just hang out with us please?" Ningning pleaded. "Just a fun way to amend after that whole thing."

"But thi-.. Ah whatever. Does sound funny now that I think about it."

Y/n stood up reluctantly, walking into the living room where the rest of the girls were gathered. Karina and Giselle were lounging on the couch, watching with amused anticipation as Ningning set up the board.

"We've got a list of challenges," Karina explained, gesturing to the board with a sly grin. "And you, Y/n, are not getting out of it."

"Since when I can.."

Giselle, stretching her arms lazily, laughed. "Besides, we need to lighten the mood before the big comeback. You've been way too serious lately, Y/n."

"...we could've just played Uno."

"Eh. Too boring. Pass." Giselle waved off.

Y/n eyed the whiteboard and spotted one challenge in particular that made him cringe: Kabedon Challenge. Scribbled in Ningning's unmistakably messy handwriting, it was clear they had something up their sleeves.

"Ning, one - fix your handwriting. Two, really? Kabedon?" he muttered, narrowing his eyes at them. "How is that supposed to be relaxing?"

Winter smirked, stepping closer. "It's trending, and it's fun! Besides, it's harmless."

"It's not even trending..."

"Tsk. Whatever, Aeri-unnie just wanna see some spicy stuff apparently."

"Nice of you to throw me under the bus, Minjeong." Giselle glared.

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