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Feli's POV:
On a cold damp concrete floor, in a dark room I sit. Chained to the wall, my once beautiful white wings laying behind me, the feathers dull and covered in blood. My body aching from the recent punishment I received.
'Will this ever end?' I thought to myself bitterly. Suddenly, I tense as I hear the lock on the door click. I look down as my so called "friend," Ludwig walks in with a plate of food and some water. He set it down in front of me.
"I hope my little angel is behaving this time." He said, smirking slightly. I glare at the food and water in front of me, not responding. He sighed suddenly and stood up. As he stood up, something fell from his pocket, but he didn't notice.
"I'll be back at dawn, be ready." With that said, he left. I look at what fell and noticed a set of keys. I look at them, smiling for the first time in a long time.
'Finally, I can escape!' I thought. Quickly, I grab the keys and free myself from the chains. Standing up, I stretch my wings carefully and listen for a sign that he went to bed.
'Aha...' I think as I hear a door shut above me. Quietly walking to the door, I quickly unlock it and head upstairs to the main floor, watching for any signs of Ludwig. Making sure the coast was clear, I quickly and quietly run to the front door and open it. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, I smile as I spread my wings and dissappear into the starry night.

A/N: Hey guys Yumi here! I hope you all like the prologue of this story! Please R and R. Also, I would like to thank Hannah Tennyson, one of my best friends, for helping me with this story by doing an rp with me. I would also like it if you would please check out her profile, she writes a lot of cool things and I think you guys would love them. Anyways, that's all for now! Ciao!
- Yumi-san

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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