Dear diary,
Micheal looked at me today but I think he won't say a word to me after what happened. I know I should of said something about it but I couldn't, it's like something was holding me back from saying a single word. Im starting to hate math because its the only class I have with him.
*Detective Mary looks up*
"What happend to the page?" She says.
*I look at her and I take out my earphones stopping the music*
"What did you say?" I say.
"She said WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS PAGE?!" detective Bailey said
"It got teared up obviously.. you know I didn't see the whole thing happen so why would you think I have something to do with her stupid diary."
"Maybe if you weren't such a *she tries to find the right word* t-tramp you could like actually help us with this case. I know you suffered trauma after what happened but you realize that if you won't say anything you can't get justice for your friends." Detective Bailey said.
I thought to myself whatever right, I mean maybe really just maybe they got what they deserved. But I couldn't say that of course. I wouldn't want them thinking it was me. After what felt like forever they finally let me go home. If you can even call it a "home". I'm just your average movie teen right. A step-father, a hard working mom and a annoying little brother. And even worse I have to share a room with my brother. Its whatever i guess. I lay on my bed until a hear a voice scream "FIONAAAA" it's my mom "DINNERS READY" I come downstairs. Knowing damn well I'm not eating anything. I mean I can't. My body won't let me... EAT.
I sit down and try to eat but that doesn't happen. We hear a knock at the door. It's multiple load and fast continuous bangs.

Mystery / ThrillerA group of friends die mysteriously. Only one friend survives. 5 years the bodies are found in the local lake. Detectives decide to reopen the case. This story will take a dark turn.