BROKEN CARS (Mia & Courteney)

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Prompt - Mia and Courteney break down in a car.

It had been a long day at the office and Mia was growing tired of the same four walls. Normally, she would go into the baby room to make conversation with her girlfriend but on this particular day, Charlotte had to drop a teary-eyed Carly off at home due to an awful assessor's review.

Mia was interrupted from her boredom by the loud bang of the door, followed by a terrifying, if not attractive woman in her late 30's storming in. ''You!'' The redhead looked around before looking back at the other woman, smirking. ''Me!''

''Was it you who smashed my car?'' The woman yelled. ''That was your car? Thought it was a parent's that was getting on my nerves.'' Mia genuinely didn't know that she had totaled Courteney's car, but by the look on her face and the way she was smugly leaning back on her chair, it was obvious that she felt no remorse for it at all.

''Well I have no way of getting home now and it's raining you reckless idiot.'' Mia pouted at this, feigning sympathy. ''I'm sorry...well good luck getting home!'' Mia then stood up and walked out of the office towards her own car.

As she got into her car and turned on the engine she noticed Courteney walking reluctantly across the pavement. Normally, she would have no problem leaving her to walk, especially considering how the woman had treated the young apprentice her girlfriend was so fond of. However it was dark and stormy, and underneath the appearance of nonchalance, Mia had a more caring side that she'd ever let anyone see.

Mia started to drive slowly alongside Courteney in the road, rolling down her window slightly. ''Do you want a lift?'' Courteney looked over at the car before rolling her eyes and continuing walking. ''Not from you!''

''Suit yourself.'' Just before Mia drove off she heard a small 'wait!' to which she stopped the car completely and unlocked it. Courteney hesitantly muttered a small thank you before checking her appearance in the rearview mirror.

The journey was silent apart from the occasional direction, both women's eyes locked on the road ahead. The only thing that could be seen for miles was countryside and the land ahead merged together in a grassy abyss.

The car started to rev slightly, a sound that would have gone unnoticed if it weren't for the palpable silence already present. ''This car is new, it shouldn't be revving like this.'' Mia shouted, a mixture of anger and confusion. ''Maybe you broke it when you slammed it into mine.'' Courteney retorted bitterly.

''Now listen here I didn't have to give you a li-'' Suddenly, the car hit a stop with a sudden bolt and the top flew open, smoke pouring out.

''What the actual fuck!'' Mia shouted wide eyed. She then got out of the car and looked at the mess inside of her bonnet. ''Great so the engine is fried...hey, can you get service?'' she shouted over at the passenger side. When there was no reply Mia got back into the car, slamming the door slightly. ''You could at least answer me you know-'' Mia stopped herself as she noticed Courteney looked tense and afraid, a huge difference to the cocky overconfident woman everyone knew her as.

''Are you okay?'' Mia leaned over to touch Courteney's arm, to which she flinched away. ''Don't touch me.'' The redhead put her arms up in mock surrender. ''Hey jeez, I'm not going to do anything to you. I'd get blood on my car for a start.'' She sounded annoyed but underneath there was a small flicker of concern.

Courteney cleared her throat before speaking, her voice coming out slightly shaky. ''Sorry this just...brought back memories.'' The assessor looked down as if embarrassed of her own feelings. Mia understood, she herself hid her emotions with a bitchy and uncaring front. ''Who knew, THE Courteney Greene was a person with feelings.''

''Yeah well you kind of have to push them down when with someone who'd always use them against you.'' And there it was. Courteney was merely a product of her environment. Mia didn't know what to do, she had never been good with comforting people. So she took out a piece of gum, offering some to the other woman. Courteney looked up for a moment before taking it with a grateful smile. It was Mia's weird, unserious way of telling Courteney she was safe in her presence.

Eventually, a passer by had noticed them stranded and called AA, and the two women went their separate ways to their houses. It was a relief, they didn't need to spend any more time with each other. But, against herself, when Mia walked in and was greeted by soft, worried hands embracing her, she couldn't help but think about what Courteney would endure when she got home. Was she lonely? Was she still with the person she obviously feared?

Mia cared, she had no idea why, but she cared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13 ⏰

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