~Part 1~

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The frost around the grass crunched as Marie's foot stepped onto it. She was running for her favorite spot by the beach, where she could feel like home. It was on top of a little hill, a flat space just at the top. She wished to live there one day, when she could afford it, if she could afford it. She slowed her pace as a rabbit blocked her way. She chuckled and sat down by it "you're very daring, way more than me anyway" she said, her face saddened slightly. The rabbit carried on, and so did she. She clenched onto her mittens in hope they wouldn't fall off, they were a tad too big for her. It was mid November, so the snow would be laying soon. She stopped as she reached the hill, it was beautiful as always. She patted the frost from a patch on the grass before sitting down. She looked out over the ocean, somewhere far away, someone is doing the same. The sun was just about to hit the water, making the clouds turn golden. She felt the sunlight on her face, the warm on a cold evening. She smiled at the sensation, like a void had been filled. A void she had so needed to be. She sat there, watching as the sun went down. She would have to be getting home soon, even though it didn't feel like home to her. Her brother in law was a kind man, her sister however wanted nothing more than for her to find her own place. Ever since their parents died, Marie had been living with them. She placed her hands on the ground to pull herself back to her feet. As she walked away, her gaze kept watching the place where the sun had just gone. "I'll be back, you know I will" she whispered, as if there were anyone to hear. She turned her head back forward and kept it there as she continued her journey home.

It was dark out, but she remembered the path, she had been walking it for years. She looked up at the stars starting to show up on the sky. In just a while, the sky would be black, and the stars would be the highlight needed to make something so dark, so beautiful. Like the white in her eyes, surrounding her dark color. It didn't take long before she was back at her sister's front porch, it didn't feel right to call it hers. She stepped inside, the warmth surrounding her body, reminding it what it had been missing. "It's late, where have you been?" Her sister, Miley, asked annoyed "you promised you'd do the dishes today, did you forget?" She went on, Marie's eyes widened as she remembered the promise she had indeed made. "Miley I'm so sorry, I'll do them now" "Marie, I've already done the dishes. You know, maybe if you found your own place, things would be easier for everyone!" she glared at Marie before walking away, it was clear she was angry. Marie removed her shoes and placed them on the shoe rack . She hung her coat up and went over to the stairs, they creaked as she stepped onto the first step. She slid her hand over the railing, looking down at how it went so smoothly. She almost missed the last step, but managed to retreat herself. She made her way over the hardwood floor to her bedroom. As soon as she stepped in, onto the rug, she felt a slight relief falling over her, she was back in her own peace.

She threw herself onto the bed, hugging tight around her pillow. She didn't feel like getting back up to brush her teeth, it didn't take long before she fell asleep. A knock came from the door "hey Marie" Miley said calmly from outside the door "I'm sorry if I was harsh on you, I'm just tired, that's all" she furrowed her brows as she got no response. She tried knocking again, but like last time, no answer. She opened the door and saw Marie asleep already. She went in and placed the duvet on top of her, she smiled before exiting the room once again. The rain started pouring outside, strange how fast the clouds came in. The sound kept Marie asleep even better, like white noise. After a few hours, from what only must've felt like a few seconds to her, the sun shined through the blinds. The sound of rain had been replaced by the sound of birds chirping. Marie slowly started to awaken from her slumber, she tossed around before finally opening her eyes. She blinked a few times before her eyes managed to stay open. She got out of bed to open the blinds, letting the sunlight in. She pulled the threads, the blinds folding themselves up. The light lit her face, making her all tanned looking. She sighed a smile before walking over to the bathroom. She turned on the hot water in the shower, letting it heat up a bit before getting in. The water hit her face, waking her up even more. She closed her eyes and let the water fall onto her face. It felt just like the rain, she began imagining herself dancing in the rain with her significant other. She smiled as she opened her eyes again, she didn't think I off the water being right above her. It went straight into her eyes, she closed them quick and began laughing.

After some time, she turned off the water and stepped out. She wrapped a towel around herself, holding it in place. She turned the knob to the door and stepped out. Her blinds had been opened, Miley must've been here. She ran through her closet, searching for something to wear. She found a pair of blue jeans, and a blouse. She sat down at the vanity and pulled out a hair dryer from a wooden drawer, it shrieked as she pulled it open. She began drying her hair, making sure not to use too much heat. When she was finished, she got up and went downstairs. "Good morning" Arthur, her brother in law said. "Morning Arthur, what are you reading?" She pointed to the book in his hands. "Miley's new novel, it's well written, you should get a copy" he closed the book and handed it over for a better look. "I'll go get one today!" Marie smiled as she placed the book back down on the table in front of him. She made her way into the living room, her sister was on the couch. "Marie!" Miley said as she got up from her seat, she smiled sympathetically. "I'm so sorry if I was harsh yesterday, I just think it's time you get your own place" she said "Miley, it's alright, I promised you I would do them, and instead I was enjoying a view while you had to do my work" Marie grabbed her hands. "You went back to mom's place?" Miley asked "yeah, I did"
"Was it just as beautiful as it was then?" Miley asked curiously. "It really was, you should join me one day!" Marie said excitedly. "Maybe one day"

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