Chapter 1

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"I still can't believe that I have an apprentice!" purred Pebblefoot, dropping his prey-two minnows and a carp-onto the fresh-kill pile. Rushpaw, his apprentice, put down his trout and scampered off to join Troutpaw, who was playing with Hollowkit and Mossykit while their mother, Pinefur, looked on. Minnowtail rolled her eyes. "For StarClan's sake, Pebblefoot. Stop boasting!" she exclaimed, flicking her tail over his ear.

Her brother looked hurt, the tip of his tail starting to droop. Turning her back to the mottled gray tom, Minnowtail went to sit beside Dawnflower, her mother. "I saw you arguing with Pebblefoot. You shouldn't be jealous of him, you know," the very pale gray she-cat commented, giving Minnowtail's ear a comforting lick.

Minnowtail shook her mother off, twitching an ear. "It's just so unfair, having my littermate have an apprentice when I don't have one! I mean, he isn't helping by boasting so much; it's annoying!" she complained, lashing her tail frustratedly.

Before Dawnflower could reply, Minnowtail got to her paws and sat in a shady corner of the camp, where she could listen to the river gurgle in the distance. The sound had always comforted her after a long, exhausting day, and she felt herself instinctively relax her muscles.

"Uhh...Minnowtail, I'm going hunting, so I was wondering of you could take care of Hollowkit and Mossykit while I'm away." Pinefur approached her, ducking her head as if embarrassed. Pleasure welling up inside her chest, Minnowtail purred, "Of course!"

The kits were already waiting for her, their tiny paws kneading the ground. "Can we go outside? Pinefur never lets us go!" asked Mossykit, her light green eyes wide and pleading. However much she wanted to relent, Minnowtail kept her mew firm. "No, sorry, Mossykit. Your mother left me in charge, so I can't lose you two, can I?"

Looking downcast, Hollowkit reluctantly dipped his head. "Okay, then. about you be a big, scary badger, and we'll fight you!" the dark brown tabby tom-kit suggested, perking up again. It can't be any harm, Minnowtail thought, then nodded. "Sure!"

Immediately, Mossykit hurled herself at Minnowtail, swiping at her nose with sheathed claws. "Get out of our camp!" she squealed. Hollowkit snuck up on Minnowtail and nipped her hind leg gently. In order to exaggerate, Minnowtail let herself stagger. "What a strong bite! Ouch, that hurts!" she faked.

Mossykit burst out in small mmrows of laughter. "Badger! Do you give up?" questioned Hollowkit, his dark amber eyes sparkling with joy. Minnowtail purred, "All right. I give up to you mighty warriors!" she joked, cuffing them around their ears gently and sitting down.

Mossykit and Hollowkit scampered up to side. "You made a great badger!" Mossykit squeaked, pressing into Minnowtail's dark gray-and-white fur affectionately. "Yeah, I wish we could play with you everyday," Hollowkit murmured.

Her throat rumbling as she purred, Minnowtail nuzzled them. "Well, I'm a warrior, so you're with Pinefur for now!"

Through half-closed eyes, she spotted Pouncetail, the kits' father, looking at her with a strange expression on his face.

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