Love on a Shipwreck (Part 4/?): Date (15+ scene included)

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Warning: Contains a 15+ scene.

Continued from Part 4


"Hey... it looks really cute on you." He smiles softly after I put his hoodie (or rather, my hoodie now) on.

"Hm... thanks..." I smile back, blushing slightly.

"You're welcome." He smiles. "But uh... can we get something to eat and drink now?" He chuckles.

I laugh slightly, "Yeah, of course. I'll pay."

"You sure?" He blinks softly at me.

"Yeah, of course." I smile gently.

He smiles.

"Well, thank you."

"No problem."


We sit back down, Leo with his ham and cheese toastie and salted caramel frappé, without coffee, and me with my bean and cheese toastie and chocolate fudge frappé, also without coffee.

"Mmh... this looks good..." he murmurs, taking a half of his toastie and biting into it.

I smile softly.

God, he's cute.

"Mmh, mine does too." I smile at him as I also take a bite.

He smiles, chewing.

"So um... Noah?"


"Um... not to ruin the mood or anything, but I meant to tell you, you know on the boat, that reaction we had? Crying, shaking, literally couldn't breathe? The one we've had before and never really knew what it was?"

"Ah... yeah?"

"Well um... I Googled it, it was a panic attack."

I pause.

"Ah... shit... yeah, I've heard of those." I nod.


I nod slightly, sipping on my frappé.

"Um... Noah?" He places his toastie slice back down.

"Yeah?" I look at him softly, noticing he seems nervous.

"Um... I've had those before..."

I stay quiet for a second.

"I know... I have too..." I nod softly.

"No... I mean..."

I put down my toastie, looking at him gently.

"Um... I mean... not just a few odd times. I... I've had them before... kind of a lot."

I pause.


He stays quiet.

I do too for a second, before I stand up and move my chair to sit next to him, placing an arm around him and looking at him tentatively.

He looks back at me, seeming a little surprised.

"You okay?" I ask gently.

"Oh... uh... I mean... yeah?"

I keep my eyes on his, quiet.

He swallows slightly.

"You don't seem too sure." I say softly.

"No... it's just... I... I am okay... I... I just sometimes get overwhelmed kinda easily. That's all. And um..."

I continue looking at him softly, and when he doesn't continue, I pull him in closer, gently, and say softly, "Hm? And what baby?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19 ⏰

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