The One Who Had All?

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Camp Half-Blood. 1992 January 5th.

The sky was sunny as always. The sun blazing onto the camp making it warm and nice. 

Dionysus sat on his chair outside of the big house. A Diet Coke soda in his hand as Chiron stood by him, watching the campers train, play, work, and more. Dionysus groans, bored as fuck. Why did he have to be stuck here for 2,000 years? All over some nymph? Ugh boring. "Dionysus. No." Chiron said, reminding Dionysus he can't summon wine. Dionysus sighed and just summoned another diet, Coke. Chiron watched as the demigods trained. He walked off to welcome a couple of new demigods that had been brought into the camp by a few satyrs. Dionysus watched. Uninterested. One satyr came up to him. "What is it?" He asked in an annoyed tone. "Um, sir we found...someth-" The satyr cut themselves off before continuing to speak. "Someone who smelt like every monster, god, and animal ever on the way here..." Dionysus perked up slightly. After all, what could smell like that? "Where are they?" Dionysus asked, curiosity in his voice, barely noticeable. "We. We couldn't get them to come with us..." Dionysus went back to a frown at the news. "Oh. Well. Find them again and bring them here." He said with a dismissive hand. "We can't sir we tried we can't track them." Now that was an issue. A being that smelt like all those things would likely not be good. Especially if the big three found out. Who knows what Zeus would do to the poor kid if they found out about some kid that smelt like every being ever. Dionysus took a sip out of his soda before responding. "Keep an eye out. I want any and every free satyr to be looking for them, understood?" He said coldly. The satyr nodded before walking away. Dionysus took another drink from his Coke and wondered..."Who could smell like every being ever?" It just wasn't....normal. At all. So, what was this mystery person or mystery being?

Shadows INC. 1992 January 6th.

The scientists pushed the me into my cell. Well. Being outside was nice as it lasted. I even saw a satyr despite the scientists not noticing. Unfortunately, I had only a few hours outside and that was so they could see how I acted outside of the lab. How I'd hide my mutations and inhumane features. I had been put into normal clothes but now I'm back in a white hoodie and jeans with a shock collar and muzzle. I rolled my eyes as they closed the door. My tail slowly wrapping around my waist as I stood up, my head almost hitting the ceiling of the small cell. Damn. You'd think considering I'm 7'7 they'd give me a bigger cell but nope. I sat back down in the corner. My tail, which was about five feet long was thin slowly getting thicker. It was black fading into dark purple. My wings were folded against my back as close as they could without me folding them into my back. They were like a crow's. Dark and black. I had two horns that curled around my head, like ram horns. My legs were bent in...Well look at a deer's or dog's back legs and how they're bent and that's what my legs looked but with human skin. Dark lava orange and light pale blue lines and markings covered my forearms and arms. As for hair and eyes. My right eye was a dark gray blue color with a black normal pupil. While the left one was pure white with no pupil. It was just white. No other color. I leaned against the wall, wincing as I felt the cold stone wall against my open cuts on my back. "Ow..." I muttered to myself as I slowly leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths as I did. Maybe....Maybe one day I'd get out. Who knows? It's not impossible but then again who'd want to help a lab rat mutant. A freak of nature. I chuckled darkly to myself as I thought about it. Men sucked. Humanity sucked. The satyr I saw looked cool though. Maybe they would've helped me but then again, I knew what I smelled like to satyr's but what's life without some hope? I was only 16. Perhaps there was some hope for my, fated life. Only the Fates, Norns, and whoever else controlled fate would know.

Camp Half-blood. January 6th.

"Chiron listen to me-" Dionysus started before Chiron cut him off. "I'm more then aware of what you have said. This person who smelled like every monster and God ever? Dionysus listen to yourself it's just not possible. It can't be. Maybe the satyr smelled wrong." Dionysus growled somewhat at the centaur's words. "Chiron, we don't know! We need to figure it out before who knows what happens! What if Zeus or something worse gets their hands on the person?!" Dionysus about yelled as he brought his reasons up for worrying. Chiron sighed, a pensive look slowly working its way onto his face. His eyes closing for a second before he reopened them. "I understand your concerns Lord Dionysus, but it just isn't smart to send that many satyrs out to find someone that might not even be real. We have no idea on what the satyr meant when they said that. They could've been lying." Chiron said with a calm and level toned voice. Dionysus wasn't as calm. "Lying? Lying!? Why would my own satyrs lie to me!? They were telling the truth I can tell! Just send at least five out. I'm aware we have no reason to but what's at least trying?" Chiron paused as he considered what the god of wine was saying but Chiron eventually just shook his head, knowing it was better to not believe it for now. They had no proof nor any reason to believe it. Something that smells like every God and monster ever? Impossible. It just wasn't possible and not able to be real. How could it be real? "Lord Dionysus, I understand you're upset and want to do this but it's just not worth it. If the time comes, we'll send out a few satyrs but today is not that day." Chiron said, as Dionysus' anger and frustration got worse, but he took a breather and drank his coke as he calmed down.

Shadows INC. March 10th.
(Tw: rape. please skip this part if you aren't ok with that)

It was after a fight, and I was in my cell. My clothes torn and ripped even more. I was laying on the floor when the cell door opened. I assumed it was one of the scientists, so I started to speak before the man spoke instead. "Quiet." His tone was stern and cold. It was the guy who ran Shadows INC, and I felt fear. Now I usually didn't feel fear, but Ezekiel scared me. He walked over and my heartbeat sped up but couldn't be heard. Ezekiel grabbed my hair and pulled my head back and up as he starred down at me. "Well if it isn't my little pet." His town flirty but I only felt disgusted but before I could claw the shock collar went off and I flinched. He only made it stop after a few minutes. "Nu uh. Obey me, remember?" He said with that sly, disgusting smirk on his face. He kicked me against a wall, and I whimpered, my tail wrapping around my leg as he walked closer, a thing of rope and BDSM related things in his hand. I tried to move away but he grabbed me and pinned me down on the floor. my face against it. I tried to struggle be he held me down as he held my legs down as well while sitting on my back and took my ripped up torn pants off. "Stop...please..." I begged him, knowing it wouldn't work but tried anyway. He just grabbed my hair and forced a gag into my mouth not caring as blood red tears started to fall from my, eye. "Shhh. quiet." He said in that cold, smooth voice of his but I only felt disgusted as he took me from behind. I wanted to scream but the gag stopped me. I could only cry as he tied my hands behind my back and moved me, so I was on my back, and he lined himself up against my pussy and pushed in. I wanted to squirm and move. To stop him but he forced himself in and my walls clenched around his cock to stop him from getting deeper, but it didn't work. I felt disgusted when he finally stopped and pulled out and reclothed himself. He just left my cell. Leaving me as I curled up into a ball, crying as his seed dripped down my thighs.

Camp Half-Blood. 1994. July 23rd.
(End of rape part.)

Demigods trained. The sun shined. The Dionysus kids picking strawberries, The Apollo and Eros' kids practicing their archery, The Aphrodite kids working on their makeup and training. Hypnos and Thanatos kids just in their cabins. While Dionysus was talking to some satyrs in the forest. "I know what Chiron said. I don't care. You look for the damn person." Dionysus said with a stern voice not letting room for arguments. Afterall who knew how strong this person was, and this wasn't up for debate even if he had to go against what Chiron said. If this person got into the hands of Zeus or the fates forbid Kronos, or anyone else they'd all be doomed. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked the satyrs who all nodded then went off to go looking for this one who smelled like all. Dionysus watched as they strode off and almost jumped when he heard. "And who are they going looking for?" From in a tree. He looked up and only saw a monkey? With dark fur, a dark red eye mask, some armor and a black staff. "And who are you?" Dionysus said to the monkey. "Hm...None of your concern for now," The monkey jumped down from the tree branch. "But I need you two promise something." Dionysus raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be?" He asked, curious. "That once you find this person or well if they ever come here, you'll take care of them." Dionysus thought it over and nodded. "Fine." The monkey gave a sly smile. "Very well then. Bye." The monkey seemed to disappear into the shadows, leaving Dionysus confused on who he was but soon enough Dionysus had to go back to the big house to deal with the campers. But who was that monkey? How could they talk? Dionysus had been left with so many questions it made him have a headache.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15 ⏰

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