Tokyo, Japan
Private Mountain
Outdoor Cookhouse
Saturday, January 11th, 2020
Me {If we were at school today, we would've been free from school work. But here is not the case. The special exam that began on Thursday too, is already on its third day}
Me {Discord began to occur within the group. It started around 5 o'clock in the early morning.}
Ishizaki [Aaaah, I'm so fucking sleepy!]
Yoshida [Shut the fuck up]
Me {At the outdoor cookhouse near the school building, Ishizaki screamed}
Keisei [Everyone's in the same boat—Ahh, please measure it so you don't mess up the amount of miso]
Me {Keisei warns him while flipping through the paper on which the breakfast menu was written that the teacher had given us}
Ishizaki [Shut it glasses-kun. And why do I have to participate in cooking the meals in the first place?]
Me {Even as he moved his hands to stir the miso, Ishizaki did not stop cursing}
Keisei [It can't be helped, right? There's the possibility we'll incur a penalty if everyone isn't assembled here]
Ishizaki [Hell like I care, shit...ahh]
Keisei [What's with the "ahh" just now?]
Ishizaki [...nothing]
Keisei [No way that's nothing. Where's the salt you had in your hand!?]
Ishizaki [I added it all]
Me {Apparently, quite a bit of salt got added the the miso soup Ishizkai was in charge of}
Yoshida [Serves you right, Bitch]
Me {Keisei panically put out the fire and checked the taste. And then he coughed}
Keisei [You put too much in it, ugh! It's not drinkable...]
Keisei [Nothing for it but to make it again]
Ishizaki [Don't fuck around. If we're making it again, then you start over from scratch. I mean, what about Kouenji?]
Keisei [Hell if I know]
Ishizaki [You're in the same damn class]
Me {While glancing at the two of them quarreling over miso soup, Hashimoto skillfully handled a frying pan on top of the stove while cooking up an omelette}
Me [You're quite the dexterous one...]
Hashimoto [It's because I always cook my own meals]
Me {Hashimoto said so without a hint of pride and briskly continued cooking}
Hashimoto [But if you want perfection, then look at his]
Me {He gestured at Yoshida. Yoshida was making grilled salmon with a small rice bowl to the side. The servings that were done looked like a professional}

The Lazy Defect, Year 1: (Classroom Of The Elite Fanfic)
FanfictionSynopsis~: Yoshida Nagi, a laid-back teenager, has spent his entire life immersed in video games and dozing off in class, coasting through life with minimal effort. But when a determined Senpai calls him out on his lazy ways, Nagi's world is turned...