The Basement - 1

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Y/n blinked at her phone screen, re-reading Olivia's message.

"The real game? Seriously?" she muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes. The room was unsettling enough without cryptic texts.

She pocketed her phone and looked around, taking stock of her surroundings. The basement—or whatever it was—seemed old and forgotten. Moss crept up the walls, and the only sound was the faint drip of water echoing somewhere in the distance. A chill ran down her spine, but she steadied herself.

"Alright, Y/n, time to get moving," she whispered, feeling the adrenaline still rushing through her veins. There had to be a way out, or maybe this was part of the test. She ran her hand along the cold stone wall, searching for a clue or another hidden mechanism.

Suddenly, a rustling sound echoed from somewhere behind her.

She froze, her body tense. The sound of shuffling footsteps grew closer—slow, deliberate. It didn't sound like one of her friends.

Her mind raced. Could this be a part of Olivia's "real game," or was there something else down here?

Without hesitation, Y/n ducked behind a stack of broken crates, her heart hammering in her chest. She peeked through a small crack between the crates, trying to get a glimpse of whatever—or whoever—was coming.

A figure emerged from the shadows, moving methodically. It was tall, dressed in a tattered cloak, and its face was obscured by a mask. The mask had a grotesque, twisted smile painted on it, reminiscent of a creepy carnival clown. The figure carried something long and sharp—a knife, or maybe a sickle—Y/n couldn't tell in the dim light.

Her pulse quickened. Whoever this was, they weren't just a part of the game. This felt real. Too real.

Y/n's fingers itched towards her phone, but she stopped herself. No sudden movements. Not yet. She needed to assess the situation first.

The figure moved past her hiding spot, thankfully oblivious to her presence. Y/n held her breath, watching as they examined the room, their steps heavy and deliberate.

They paused near the wall, running their gloved fingers along the stone, as if searching for something. Then, without warning, the figure pressed a hidden switch, and another door in the far corner of the room creaked open, revealing a narrow passageway.

The figure slipped through the door, vanishing into the darkness. The sound of the door closing echoed through the chamber, and Y/n exhaled, releasing the breath she'd been holding.

What the hell was that?

She waited for a few more seconds to be sure the figure was gone, then stepped out from her hiding spot. She quickly pulled out her phone and typed a message to the group chat:

"Heads up. I just encountered something... or someone. Definitely not part of the regular game. Be careful."

Her thumb hovered over the send button before she hesitated. Maybe it was all part of Olivia's elaborate setup. Or maybe...

She pressed send anyway. Better safe than sorry.

With that, Y/n turned toward the hidden door the figure had opened. She knew she had to follow. The mystery was too compelling, and besides, there might be no other way out of this underground maze. She steeled herself and made her way toward the door, glancing back at the dim room one last time.

The passageway ahead was narrow and pitch black. The only light came from the faint glow of her phone screen. Y/n took a deep breath and stepped inside, the door clicking shut behind her.

ROBIN. [ S1 complete and S2 in the making! ]Where stories live. Discover now