A Note About the Universe at this Time:
Finally, peace in its best of forms had descended across the universe. Scientists from across the domains had concluded that opinions could get the people in trouble and since space was full of diverse opinions, great minds broke themselves on the wheel of infinity to create an ideological weapon that shared love with the commercial.
Having created the weapon, these same minds would sit upon time's bow, slowly and surely influencing things until the citizen of the Great Average was realized.
Across planets and their systems, from societies both humanoid and multiform, life's great lie operated under the illusion that freedom was real and in the trueness of individuality. In time, generations were raised slyly and beyond their knowledge, with the uniform conscious and unconscious drives of the Great Average.
This was the cosmic stage that one fool and his megalomaniac plant friend would enter: A place where many eons of peace dwelled, and where because of a freak union, they would be the only ones capable to conquer everything.