The Basement - 2

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As Y/n pocketed the keychain, Olivia's voice crackled back through the speaker.

"By the way, Y/n, that prize is just for you. You're the first to make it here, after all," Olivia teased. "But don't worry, your friends are still in the game. Eve's currently navigating an attic version of this basement you're in, Damian found himself in a secret library, Sky's exploring a creepy cellar, and James... well, he's making friends with the kitchen staff. They'll get their prizes too, but only when they figure out their own puzzles."

Y/n couldn't help but smirk. "Of course. Leave it to James to end up in the kitchen."

"Yeah, he's already asked for snacks," Olivia laughed. "But you and Damian are neck and neck. In fact, I think he's heading your way now. Guess you won't be alone much longer."

True to Olivia's word, only a few minutes passed before Y/n heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching from the direction of the secret library. The door creaked open, and Damian stepped into the room, his dark hood still draped over his head, though his expression was more relaxed than before.

"You made it," Y/n said, grinning.

Damian nodded, his usual calm demeanor returning. "So did you."

Y/n held up the keychain prize. "I beat you to it though."

A faint smirk tugged at the corners of Damian's mouth. "You were faster this time."

Y/n chuckled. "Only by a little. Olivia said the others are still making their way through the puzzles. Eve's stuck in an attic somewhere, Sky's in the cellar, and James... well, he's having a kitchen adventure."

Damian gave a small nod. "I'm sure they'll figure it out soon enough."

The room fell into a comfortable silence as they waited for the others, the oddness of the entire evening finally sinking in. Y/n leaned against the cluttered table, her eyes tracing the intricate designs on the blueprints scattered about. This whole event had felt like a strange dream—a playful, eerie maze that had somehow led them through Gotham's Halloween festivities in the most unpredictable way possible.

"So, Olivia really planned all of this?" Y/n asked, glancing at Damian.

"It seems that way," Damian replied, his voice thoughtful. "A complex puzzle game with no real threat—just an elaborate Halloween challenge. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that."

"Neither was I," Y/n admitted. "But it was fun."

Just as they were about to continue, the door creaked again, and Sky rushed in, her pointed witch hat slightly askew. She looked a little frazzled but grinned widely when she saw the two of them.

"Okay, that cellar was freaky!" Sky exclaimed, shaking her head. "I had to solve a riddle from a talking skeleton! But I made it!"

Y/n laughed. "Glad to see you survived. We've got a bit of time before Eve and James catch up."

Sky plopped down in one of the old chairs, clearly relieved to be out of the maze. "Well, at least this isn't the part where we get chased by chainsaws again, right?"

Damian smirked. "You should be safe... for now."

As they waited, the mood lightened, and soon enough, Eve and James trickled in, both recounting their own bizarre adventures. James had somehow managed to sneak a handful of pastries from the kitchen, much to everyone's amusement.

When Olivia's voice crackled through the speaker one last time, she congratulated them all. "Well done, team! You're officially the winners of Gotham's Halloween Mystery. Consider this your initiation into the annual challenge. And remember—next year, it'll be even harder. But for now, you've earned your prizes. Enjoy your night!"

Y/n looked at her friends, who were all grinning, exhausted but satisfied. The night had turned out to be far stranger than any of them had anticipated, but they wouldn't have had it any other way.

"Next year, huh?" Sky mused, glancing around. "Guess we'll have to be ready."

Y/n gave her a sly smile. "I'm already looking forward to it."

Chapter XXIX | The Basement - 2
Word Count: 649

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