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Having been on the streets the past few months, Lloyd was more than used to hunger. Going from one or two meals a day to none, was quite the challenge. There weren't any kitchens to sneak into at night, snacks to steal from other kids, nothing.

So when he was brought onto the Bounty, and all but forgotten during meal time, he was prepared.

He'd smelled food from houses before, when he was wondering around. He'd be starving, smelling the delicious food other people got to eat. He was used to ignoring the hunger pangs.

He'd been okay for two days, in fact. He just hid in the storage closet they'd cleared out to call his room, hiding under the thread bare blanket they'd given him, to block out the scents.

On the third day, his limbs were weak and he couldn't move without shaking. His head was constantly pounding and his body was always hit with pangs of hunger whenever he thought about it too hard.

He decided to brave his way into the hall.

It was morning, early morning. He hoped it was too early for anyone to be up.

Unfortunately, the world hates him.

He neared the kitchen, only to hear the clatter of what seemed to be cooking.

He sneaked a peak through the open doorframe and watched the person inside.

Zane, if Lloyd remembered correctly. The ice one.

In all honesty, he hadn't interested Lloyd all that much. He didn't react to the five or so pranks Lloyd had tried, so he just gave up after day one.

Zane hadn't turned, so Lloyd deemed it safe to step into the room.

"Good morning."

Well, there goes his plan of grabbing something and going.

"Good morning." Lloyd murmured back, unsure of where to go from here.

"You're early for breakfast. It won't be ready for another ten minutes." Finally, Zane turns around. "Do you wish to stay and chat for a bit? I'd like some company."

Lloyd wasn't really a fan of being under close watch from the most intimidating ninja of the group, but he'd already been spotted, so...

"Um...yeah, okay..." Weak. His voice was too weak.

If Zane noticed the fatigue in the boy's voice, he made no comment.
"Good, please sit at the table, then."
With that, he turned and went back to preparing food.

Lloyd sneaked a peak and saw what he assumed was a mix of some sort. Seemingly just started if the powders were anything to go by.

It was silent for a while, Zane contently string the mix to whatever batter he was cooking up, and Lloyd watching with an impatient tap of his finger.

He liked the sound his nail made against the wood. It reminded him of the clank of his desk from Darkley's.

The school sucked, but sometimes it was fun to ignore the class and zone out. He'd made a whole bunch of teachers mad at him doing that, but it was worth it in the end.

It passed the day, and he barely noticed the taunts from his classmates.

"I haven't been seeing you during meal time."

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