A exact replica of the island was the void. Everything was purple and the sky was dark purple and purple plants and botany was over growing everywhere. Like an abandoned city with overgrown nature except it had citizens. The citizens were purple and walked aimlessly like zombies except a few hundred. The Glitched had their own kingdom and a castle in the middle of the city. They all sat in thrones as people would gather to worship and gift them stuff. Suddenly a young purple man bursted through the castle doors. 'My lords I was wondering if I could join you guys I'm very powerful!' Said the boy confidently showing his gadgets. 'We'd rather pass child.' Laughed Past Kian. Past Alex sent a roaring purple void creature after the boy. The boy screamed and ran through the city being chased and somehow escaped and went home. He ran to his room and began making a weapon. 'I'll show them! They won't mess with me again!' Shouted The boy. The next full Purple Moon came about but it always stayed dark. The boy snuck in and ran up to them. 'Any last words!' Shouted the boy pointing his machine at them. They all laughed. 'What does that do? Wash my laundry!' Laughed Past Cassie. He activated the machine and a mini explosion happened as it powered up and began shaking it let off a massive ray that hit the wall. The machine fell out his hands and began shaking on the ground as the laser flew around the room. He started hitting the machine that kicked in the most powerful mode. He was thrown back by the massive speed of the shaking. Suddenly the beam stuck to a certain part of the wall and it began cracking. And the machine powered off. They all gathered around the crack that turned purple and suddenly widened. Through they could see a forest covered in greenery with a blue sky. 'Freedom!' Shouted Past Cassie as they all stepped though. The boy stood in disbelief. He then jumped through and saw them wander through the forest. He used his jet back to get into the air and head to the city he could see.