Chapter 3

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"Clanmates, we are gathered here to witness a joyous event. Icewing's kits are ready to be apprenticed, and I have also chosen their mentors." announced Leopardstar, her fur sleek and amber eyes shining.

"From now on, Petalpaw, your mentor will be Sneezecloud. Sneezecloud, you are a young warrior, but I trust that you will guide Petalpaw closely. Beetlepaw, your mentor shall be Rainstorm. He is a skilled hunter, and will definitely make all the fish in the lake terrified of you! Finally, Grasspaw, you mentor will be Copperdusk. She is the newest warrior, but she trained under Duskfur, and both of them are fearless fighters."

"Petalpaw! Beetlepaw! Grasspaw!" Despite chanting their names, Minnowtail felt a prick of disappointment. How she'd wished that she would get an apprentice at last. And how dare Leopardstar not make her a mentor, since Pebblefoot had Rushpaw.

Unable to contain her rage, Minnowtail stormed up to Leopardstar the meeting ended and the Clan was distributing the prey. "Why wasn't I a mentor? Pebblefoot already has one!" she burst out, clawing the ground in frustration. Leopardstar eyed her calmly. "Minnowtail, you will be one soon. But as for now, it's quite obvious that you aren't ready, don't you think?"

Her ears burning with humiliation, Minnowtail knew that the spotted golden tabby she-cat was referring to her burst of indignation earlier. Bowing her head, she grabbed the carp and settled down in a corner to eat it, but now, the succulent flesh felt like it had been replaced with dead leaves. Minnowtail raked the ground exasperatedly, turning her back to the other cats.

"What's wrong, Minnowtail?" her mother, Dawnflower, appeared by her side. Minnowtail just shrugged. "Nothing," she muttered sulkily. The very pale gray she-cat sighed. "Minnowtail, I kitted you. Of course I can tell that you're upset. So what is it?"

Unable to control the tide of emotions churning within her, Minnowtail blurted, "Why is Pebblefoot favoured by Leopardstar? We're littermates, and yet Leopardstar refuse to give me an apprentice..." she trailed off, glancing around as if afraid that someone would accuse her of disloyalty.

Dawnflower rested her tail on her daughter's dark gray-and-white flank. "I'm sure that Leopardstar's bound to give you Hollowkit or Mossykit. Don't worry, you should be getting an apprentice soon, too," "But they're only four moons old! I can't stand to wait for another two moons!" Minnowtail hissed vehemently. Her mother shook her head and walked away, leaving her to be more miserable than ever.

"Hi, Minnowtail! Our mentors are taking us to take a tour of the territory," Grasspaw bounded up to her, his tail flicking excitedly. Copperdusk followed more slowly as Minnowtail tried to act like she was happy. "That's great! Tell your sister and brother that I'm glad you're finally apprentices," she forced herself to purr. Grasspaw's golden eyes sparkled as he dashed away, bouncing with excitement.

Minnowtail let out a weary sigh. She could still remember her apprenticeship- had she ever been so enthusiastic and full of energy before? I haven't felt like a young cat in so long, even though I'm quite young compared to many others, she admitted silently.

Not bothering to share tongues today, she slipped inside the warrior's den and curled up in her nest, falling asleep quickly.

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