CH23: I miss You sooo Much...(Part 2/3)

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A/N: Sorry if this Chapter is A bit Longer than it is normally...I just broke in tears while Writing Bare with Me. This is Dedicated to One my AWSOME friend who he is in a better place. Love you Soo Much Jazz!

Bell's POV

This Park...was the Last Memory Of me and Jazzy Together before She died. I just froze for like 3 Mins. I can't be Here,it's too Dangerous. "Are you okay?" Blanket Asks me. I didn't Answer. "Bell," he says. "What's wrong?!" He whispers in my ear. "Oh...I'm fine,really." I respond.

"Are you sure beautiful?" He said In a Low Voice. "Well...I'll tell you later." I say. He walked where The class And Michael was. "Hey Mr.Jackson." I say. He smiled. Michael just literally Brightens My day. We all started to play in the playground...and some of us Just talking and listening to Music.

Michael's POV

I don't know what is Wrong with Bell. She was Soo Happy Like 2 Days ago and Now she is all serious and Looks kinda Sad. I think I will need to talk her. I went where she was. "Do you have a Sec Bell?" I ask. "uh...yes,Sure Mr.Jackson" she Responded.

We finally Found an empty Space and sat Down on the Grass. I looked At Bell in the eyes. "Sweetie Tell me what is Wrong,You seem so sad. Trust me,you are not Alone,I'm here with you..." I tell her. She just stood There. "Michael you don't Understand. This place was the Last Vist Me and Jazzy Went,Before she died." She said emotional.

"Oh,I'm Soo sorry You lost her Sweetie. I know she is Now In a better Place. Remember you Also have me here with you so you can count on me. I love you so so Much! I would Never ever hurt a Child! Never! Don't worry..." I Tell her as I am hugging her. She Looked at me,And I wiped the tears From her and kiss her for-head.

"Thank you Michael...I love you more...I'm glad You are here." She tells me. "Can you give me a moment?" She tell me. "Yes." I Went to check on the student if they aren't doing any drama.

Bell's POV

I Carry a Notebook With me. I took it out and a Pen. I started to write a letter.

Dear Jazzy Jimenez,
Thank you for all your support. Thank you for Trusting in me. Thank you for mostly Everything! I remember when we first me,I was so so Shy that I Didn't want to talk. Thank for ALL amazing memories that We had. You are truly the BEST FRIEND I ever had. Every Time we went to the mall,You will Always get a A Lemonade.
And Girl When we met Mr.Jackson...It was the best memory of us! After I Think One Week I guess,I found out you Passed away. I got lost in darkness. Half of my heart broke into pieces. Since That Monday you passed,My life has been going pretty bad. Some days are good though.
You don't know how much I Miss you! I MISS YOU SO SO MUCH! I remember that International Smile you had! I LOVE you Soo much Jazzy! You Are "gone Too soon".

Why Jazzy?!? Just Why?!? "Born To amuse,To Inspire,To Delight,Here one Day,Gone One night...Gone too Soon." I Miss Soo much Jazzy. You are gone But Not Forgotten.
Forever in my Heart Jazzy
Bell Peña

I finally Got Up and went to the The Huge Pond. I Wrapped letter To a Rock with a Rubber Band,and Throw it In to the water...

Michael Jackson,The New TeacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora