Luck = Not so much

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I choose to believe that everyone, or at least the people in the greater New York area, has a limited amount of luck per day. Like it was lucky you woke up on time, it was lucky you didn't spill coffee all over your nice white shirt. You know those little tidbits of luck. And when your limited amount of luck runs out is when your day goes sour. Some people don't use all their luck from the day before and have some left over for the next day. Some people exceed their luck limit and have to pay the Luck Gods or whatever back which is why some people end up with really shitty luck. But every person gets one Big Luck. Some win the lottery, some live to be a hundred, some survive cancer (which was discovered one day when you ran low on your luck rations).

I hadn't quite found my Big Luck the final year of my school career, or at least I didn't find it where I was looking for it.


It was late October the day my Big Luck was put into motion. And it was off to an unfortunate start.

"Vince, mi sobrinho, you're late. Again." My Tia said as I shoved an entire Eggo toaster waffle in my mouth. Tardiness. Bad Luck.

"I know, Tia, I have to go. I love you." I snatched up my bag, kissed her on the cheek and ran outside, where I was greeted to a steady downpour. Rain. Bad luck.

"Inferno porra" I mumbled angrily and ran across the busy New York streets. An angry cabbie flipped me the bird and wailed on his horn.

I finally made it to my school, Lincoln Central High, just as the bell was ringing. Little did I know the real bad luck was about to start.

In my first period English class I not only lost my homework somewhere on the frantic run here, but also flunked the Pop quiz on chapters 9-17 of Pride and Prejudice.

"Not impressive Vince." my English teacher, Mrs. Porter pulled me aside after class, "Now if you had yourself a nice file folder you'd know where everything was."And gave me a lecture on the importance of file folders and how it could have saved my homework. I decided it was best to let my thoughts trail, which was of course surrounded by the one and only Amanda Hanson , possibly the most beautiful person to grace this planet. She had this long brown hair and green eyes and amazing smile. She was popular but she was nice and that's why she was popular. I had a strong belief she was my Big Luck.

"Vince, Vince are you even listening to me? This is very important." Mrs. Porter snapped her fingers in front of my face catching my attention.

"Um yeah?" I say, knowing my lie isn't believable.

"Well since you obviously find this lecture intriguing we can continue it in detention this afternoon. Dismissed." Mrs. Porter waved one wrinkly hand to the door and I walked out with a groan.

Perfect, I thought, how could this get any wor-


"Shit I'm so-" I look at the person I knock down and see no one else but Amanda Hanson. The rest of my sentence gets caught in my throat as I look at the girl I've been in love with since the sixth grade sprawled on the ground. God she's even hot covered in dust. I think. I shake my head and reach my hand out. She takes it and I swear I feel electricity.

"No no it's okay I wasn't looking." She smiles at me and I stare at her. But then I realise I'm staring and stop. "Oh I'm sorry! I'm so rude, hi I'm Amanda! Are you new here?"


"I'm Vince and no actually. We've been going to the same school since fourth grade." I say and scratch the back of my neck awkwardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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