Charles Leclerc - Karting with Louis (part 3) 🤭

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The days following that magical evening at the karting track blurred into a rhythm of excitement, anticipation, and warmth. Charles had become a regular part of our lives, popping by for casual dinners, spontaneous outings with Louis, or even just to sit with me as we watched Louis play with his toy cars, imagining new racing adventures.

Tonight was no different. Charles had invited us to a small gathering at his place—a cozy dinner just for the three of us. Louis was tucked into bed early, worn out from a long day of play. The house was quiet now, the hum of the city muffled by the soft warmth inside.

We were sitting on Charles' balcony, overlooking the glowing lights of Monaco. The night was crisp, the stars glittering above us, and a gentle breeze stirred the air. Charles sat beside me, his arm resting casually along the back of the bench. It had become so easy to be around him, as if he had always been part of our world.

"Thank you for tonight," I said softly, my voice almost a whisper. "Louis had so much fun today."

Charles smiled, his eyes sparkling in the dim light. "I think I might have had just as much fun as he did," he teased, then turned serious, his gaze locking with mine. "You've both brought something into my life that I didn't even realize I was missing."

My heart fluttered at his words, the weight of them sinking in. There was something so genuine, so real in the way he spoke, and I couldn't help but feel the same. Charles wasn't just a fleeting presence in our lives—he had become something more, something steady.

We fell into a comfortable silence, the world around us still and quiet. I could feel the warmth of his presence beside me, his arm brushing lightly against my shoulder. The stars overhead seemed closer, the night sky vast yet intimate at the same time. I turned to look at him, only to find him already watching me.

His gaze was soft, tender, and there was something in his eyes that made my breath catch. Time seemed to slow down, the space between us shrinking until it was just the two of us, suspended in this moment.

"YN..." he whispered, his voice low, as if he were afraid to break the spell.

My heart raced, my pulse quickening as I felt the pull between us, undeniable and electric. He leaned in, his hand gently brushing a strand of hair from my face, his fingertips lingering on my cheek. I could feel the warmth of his breath, the softness of his touch, and I knew what was coming.

Without thinking, without hesitating, I closed the distance between us. Our lips met, soft and tentative at first, as if testing the waters of something new, something fragile. But then, as if the world around us had fallen away, the kiss deepened. It was sweet and tender, yet filled with all the unspoken emotions that had been building between us for weeks.

In that moment, everything felt right—like the final piece of a puzzle falling into place. His lips were warm, his hand sliding gently to the back of my neck, holding me close as if he didn't want to let go. And I didn't either.

When we finally pulled back, our foreheads rested against each other, both of us breathing softly, as if the world had shifted ever so slightly beneath our feet.

Charles smiled, his thumb brushing lightly against my cheek. "I've wanted to do that for a while," he murmured, his voice soft and full of affection.

I smiled back, my heart soaring. "So have I."

In that quiet moment, under the stars, it felt like everything had changed. Not just for me, but for Louis too. Charles wasn't just teaching my son how to race—he was showing me that maybe, just maybe, I could let someone into our lives again. That love, unexpected and beautiful, was something worth racing toward after all.

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