A New School, A New Start......Hopefully

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It's not always about trying to fix what's broken. Sometimes, it's about learning to let go and start over.

I step off the bus and stand before my new school, Fairy Tail High. I put up my hood and put in my earbuds, listening to my favorite song, the sweet sound of rock n' roll filling my ears as I hum along. The trek to my new locker is uneventful, and I lose myself in the music as I continue on. Removing the earbuds from my ears, I proceed to pull out a small torn piece of paper with my combo on it and attempt at opening the rather ancient looking locker. But after a few tries, with it deciding not to cooperate, I give up. Not surprising since it has to be at least a hundred years old.

I sigh in frustration. Today was turning out to be the worst day ever. I woke up late, I still don't have a uniform, nearly missed my bus, where I had to sit next to a girl who wouldn't stop asking me for my life story.

"Shit." I mumble, praying no one heard as I 'rest' my forehead against the uncooperative hunk of metal in front of me. "I forgot to feed Happy..."

Happy is my ball of fur and energy cat who, oddly enough, is blue and thinks he can talk.

"Alight Lucy, just because this morning has been horrible doesn't mean the rest of the day will be as bad." I take deep breath, and put my combo in.

"13.....22....17. Lift the latch and-" I was wrong. This day can get worse.

"Here, let me help you." I hear a voice beside me say. I turn to see a guy about my age. He has almost orange, spikey hair, glasses, deep brown eyes, and is seemingly well built from what I can tell, not that I'm really looking. Might I also add that he's quite handsome too, with a group of girls trailing behind. I would personally never date a guy like him. The type of guy who attracts the attention of every girl around him, or in other words what I call a playboy. And I hate guys like that, you can never trust them.

I give him my little slip of paper regardless, and watch as he puts in the combo, holds in the latch, then he hits the front of it. He tugs on it, and it magically opens. "A lot of lockers here are like that. It's something you get used to after a while." He explains with small grin.

"Thanks." I mumble bashfully, taking off my book bag and setting it on the ground at my feet.

"I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Loke by the way." He says holding out his hand to me, a huge smile on his face. I glance up at him, then begin putting my books in my locker. He awkwardly retracts his hand, placing it on the back of his neck as a cover.

"And your name would be...?" He trails off, smiling nervously and looking anywhere but at me.

"None of your business." I snap, praying to whatever God will listen, to make him leave me alone. Though, I don't like being so mean to people, especially to those I've just met. He seems nice enough, but looks are very deceiving, and I know that lesson better than anyone.

"Now that's not how you treat the person who so kindly opened your locker for you." He scolds me like he's my father, but then again I really wouldn't know what that's like.

"Look, take a hint and leave my alone." I say, annoyance laced in my overly harsh words.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone for now, but expect to see more of me." He states with a cocky smile before sauntering away. This sends a shiver down my spine as the air around me suddenly feels ten degrees cooler.

"Creepy..." I mutter before shaking the thought from my head.

I turn away from him once more, grabbing the small wooden framed picture from my bag. It's of me and my mom, side by side with huge smiles on our nearly identical faces. It was from before it happened.

To spare myself the embarrassment of crying on my first day, I swiftly place it on the shelf at the top of my locker, and placing it in the back of my mind...for now. Next, I pull out my binder and place it on the ground next to me, glancing at the schedule I had nearly memorized, on the front of it.

First is Biology with Mr. Clive, then Home Ec. with Mrs. Justine. With a nod, I grab what I need from my locker, placing it on top of my binder, before putting my bag inside. Then I slam my locker closed and begin heading to my class, hitting play on my mp3 player as do so. The distinct melody of rock once again blaring in my ears as I continue down the loud, bustling halls.




I step through the threshold of my new homeroom, turning off my music source. Upon entering, I'm instantly greeted with a classroom full of people, all of which are staring at me like I'm an alien. I keep my eyes on the ground, but because I stick out like a sore thumb in my jet black hoodie the teacher calls me out immediately.

"Ah Miss. Heartfillia! You've decided to join us. I'm Mr. Clive and I'll be teaching you about the wonderful thing known as biology!" He states excitedly as he walks over to me. My first impression of him was that he was a very easygoing person. He has almost shoulder length auburn hair that is carelessly slicked back, and a short, stubby beard covering his jawline. That cheery smile and those kind eyes hide the pain that swirled behind them. I know exactly what it looks like. After all, I see it in the mirror every single morning.

"Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?" He asks, gesturing a hand to the class. I look nervously out at the sea of people before me. 'Here goes nothing!' I think as I open my mouth to speak.

"Oh, and could you please remove your hood? I'm sure we'd all like to see your face." Mr. Clive asks, a genuine smile on his face. I tense at his words, my eyes frantically scanning the bored faces of my peers.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable doing that." I say, my voice barely above a whisper, effectively hiding how nervous I really am on the inside.

His face falls, "Oh, I'm sorry I asked. Please continue." He apologizes, sincerity dripping from his voice. Crossing his arms, he looks at me expectantly.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia, I'm 16 and I'm glad to met you all." I say, trying to sound happy, but it's hard to do after not feeling it for so long. I turn to Mr. Clive, waiting for him to assign me my seat. He seems to be deep in thought, before jumping suddenly as he finally takes notice of me, still awkwardly standing there.

"Uh. You can take the seat beside Mr. Natsu Dragneel." He says, pointing to a boy with pink colored hair. I softly tred over and sit down, sighing with relief to the fact that I'm in the back, by the window. I turn my gaze over to the cloudy morning sky as I slouch down in my seat, completely ignoring Mr. Clive's lesson. To think, there was a time when I actually cared about school.

About half way through class though, I can feel someone's gaze stabbing at me, and it won't go away. Hesitantly, I scan the room until my eyes land on her. The look in her blue orbs sends shivers down my spine and causes goosebumps to crawl across my skin.

There was something about it that just made me, terrified, nearing on fearing for my life. She glanced at Natsu, then back to me before smirking and looking away. I quickly understood what she was saying. He was hers and she didn't need someone like me messing things up for her. Needless to say, I wasn't going to risk my hide for a guy I barely knew.

Plus, judging by the fact that every other girl in the class was ogling him, he had to be the 'School Hottie', or as I like to call them, 'The School Playboy'. So there is no way in hell I'd even become friends with the guy, let alone date him!


"Alright, that's it class. And don't forget to do your homework!" Mr. Clive yells above the noise of everyone. "Especially you, Dragneel!" He adds as Natsu walks out of the classroom. "That boy is hopeless." He mutters under his breath as he shakes his head.

I have the feeling that this, is going to be a, very, very, long day.

A Heart Full Of Pain (NaLu) [Entered At FTWattyAwards] REWRITING!!!Where stories live. Discover now